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Mrs. Samantha Keene + I have started initialing each student’s planner at the end of the day to ensure they are writing down.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Samantha Keene + I have started initialing each student’s planner at the end of the day to ensure they are writing down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Samantha Keene + I have started initialing each student’s planner at the end of the day to ensure they are writing down their homework. I ask that parents also sign or initial the planners each night (with the exception of Fridays—no homework!) to ensure we are all on the same page All spelling assignments are due on Fridays!—please encourage your child not to wait until Thursday night to complete these! Visit my webpage on the Cedar Bluff Elementary website for weekly class updates and assignments (all quizzes and homework will be posted there under calendar)! Every Friday I am giving 10 bonus points on the Reading test for anyone who wears blue and/or white in support of our Richlands Blue Tornados! Stay up-to-date with Dojo points on Class Dojo website or app! Reminder: You can view your child’s grades on Parent Portal + + * * September 7 th – Labor Day, NO SCHOOL! September 10 th – Wear Gold to support Childhood Caner September 11 th – Cart Story-teller September 15 th – Book Order Due September 22 nd - Jamestown presentation September 25 th - 1 st Six Weeks Ends September 28 th – PBIS (Class Dojo) Incentive Mid-six weeks progress reports will go home on Friday, September 11 th. Please sign and return these for your child to receive an extra 100 quiz grade. Class Dojo incentive will be *Game Day* (bring electronics, board games, or small toy) 4-H will begin this month Maps testing will begin this week As a general rule the fall tests are used to show where your child stands in regards to math and reading Please encourage your child to do his/her best (that’s all we can ask of them!), get a good night’s rest, and eat a healthy breakfast Johnathan Minnix – September 8 th Grant Dye – September 10 th Dakota Royal – September 10 th z z r r

2 Ms. Kristi DeRoche + Maps testing will begin this week. + + * * September 7 th - NO SCHOOL! Text*text*text*Text*text*text* n Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22 nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23 rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24 th r r Mrs. DeRoche- August 5 th Wayne Smith- August 13 th Kailey Barnes- August 25 th z z

3 Ms. Kristi DeRoche + + + Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22 nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23 rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24 th r r Development Chaos Illustrate hero z z 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. n n

4 You may need to download the font smiley monster so the fonts will work correctly! eescrapbookfonts/smiley-monster/ eescrapbookfonts/smiley-monster/ I got the cute symbols from this font – Pea da lovely damanda doodles– peas/pea-dalovely-damanda-doodles/ peas/pea-dalovely-damanda-doodles/ If you teach just Math, Science, & SS- page 1 is for you! If you teach just ELA- page 2 is for you! If you are self contained- Page 1 & 3 may be your best bet and copy them back to back! Before printing, go to save as  change file format to PDF  rename it  hit save. This will allow it to print correctly! Another option is to upload this to your class website so all of the students will have access to this newsletter at home. It can also serve as a study guide for the week! Hope this helps!!

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