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Splash Screen. 1.A 2.B Five Minute Check 1 A. Use to make a true sentence. –21 __ –15 (over Lesson 2-2) A. 5 __ –5 0 __ –1 A.

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Presentation on theme: "Splash Screen. 1.A 2.B Five Minute Check 1 A. Use to make a true sentence. –21 __ –15 (over Lesson 2-2) A. 5 __ –5 0 __ –1 A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Splash Screen

2 1.A 2.B Five Minute Check 1 A. Use to make a true sentence. –21 __ –15 (over Lesson 2-2) A. 5 __ –5 0 __ –1 A.

3 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 4 (over Lesson 2-2) A.7, 4, 0, –1, –6 B.–1, –6, 0, 4, 7 C.0, –1, 4, –6, 7 D.–6, –1, 0, 4, 7 Order 7, –1, 0, 4, –6 from least to greatest.

4 Lesson Menu Main Idea and Vocabulary Key Concept: Coordinate Plane Example 1:Naming Points Using Ordered Pairs Example 2:Graph an Ordered Pair Example 3:Locate an Ordered Pair Example 4:Identify Quadrants

5 Main Idea/Vocabulary coordinate plane x-axis (horizontal) y-axis (vertical) Origin (0, 0) Quadrant – 1 of 4 sections Graph points on a coordinate plane (2.8.8G) (M7.C.3.1). ordered pair (1, 2) x-coordinate (x, y) y-coordinate (x, y)

6 KC 1

7 Example 1 Naming Points Using Ordered Pairs Write the ordered pair that names point R. Then state the quadrant in which the point is located. Start at the origin. Answer: So, the ordered pair for point R is (–2, 4). Point R is located in Quadrant II. Move left on the x-axis to find the x-coordinate of point R, which is –2. Move up to find the y-coordinate, which is 4.

8 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 1 A.(–3, –1); Quadrant III B.(2, 1); Quadrant I C.(3, 1); Quadrant I D.(3, –1); Quadrant IV Write the ordered pair that names point M. Then name the quadrant in which the point is located.

9 Example 2 Graph an Ordered Pair Graph and label point M(3, 5). Answer: Start at the origin. The x-coordinate is 3. So, move 3 units to the right. Draw a dot and label it M(3, 5). Next, since the y-coordinate is 5, move 5 units up.

10 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 2 Graph and label the point G(–2, –4). A.B. C.D. G G G G

11 Example 3 GEOGRAPHY Use the map of Utah shown below. In which quadrant is Vernal located? Vernal is located in the upper right quadrant, Quadrant I. Answer: Quadrant I Locate an Ordered Pair

12 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 3 A.Quadrant I B.Quadrant II C.Quadrant III D.Quadrant IV GEOGRAPHY Use the map of Utah. In which quadrant is Tremonton located?

13 Example 4 Which of the cities labeled on the map is located in Quadrant IV? Quadrant IV is the lower right quadrant. So, Bluff is in Quadrant IV. Answer: Bluff Identify Quadrants

14 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Example 4 A.Tremonton B.Vernal C.Bluff D.Cedar City Name a city from the map of Utah that is located in Quadrant III.

15 Review REVIEW State the quadrant of each point: 1. P (-2, -4) 2. Q (5, -2) 3. R (0, 3) 4. S (-3, 1) III IV y-axis II

16 COOL-DOWN PROBLEMS 1. 138 + 246 2. 814 + 512 3. 2,653 + 4,817 4. 6,003 + 5,734 384 1,326 7,470 11,737 Cool-Down Problems

17 End of the Lesson

18 Resources Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 2–2) Image Bank Math Tools Adding Integers Comparing and Ordering Integers Subtracting Positive and Negative Integers

19 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 5 (over Lesson 2-2) A.You can tell that 8 numbers in the set are greater than 0, and 1 number is less than 0. B.You can tell that 8 numbers in the set are greater than 0, and 2 numbers are less than 0. C.You can tell that 8 numbers in the set are less than 0, and 1 number is greater than 0. D.You can tell that 8 numbers in the set are less than 0, and 2 numbers are greater than 0. If 0 is the second smallest number in a set of 10 integers, what can you conclude about the other 9 numbers?

20 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Five Minute Check 5 (over Lesson 2-2) A.0 < –7 B.–3 > 6 C.–2 > –5 D.1 < –4 Which of the following is a true sentence?

21 End of Custom Shows

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