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“We agree with you on some things, Freud, but not all! “You fools, I am always right! I am the great Sigmund Freud!”

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Presentation on theme: "“We agree with you on some things, Freud, but not all! “You fools, I am always right! I am the great Sigmund Freud!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “We agree with you on some things, Freud, but not all! “You fools, I am always right! I am the great Sigmund Freud!”

2  The personality structures of id, ego, superego  The importance of the unconscious  The shaping of personality in childhood  The dynamics of anxiety and the defense mechanisms

3  More of an emphasis on the role of the conscious mind in interpreting experience and coping with the environment  That sex and aggression are all-consuming motivations

4 Two levels of unconscious  Personal and collective  Archetypes—common thought forms in all humans  Modifies id, ego, superego Instead: ▪ Persona-A shell that grows around our inner self. A “mask” is the image that we present to others. (like the poem!!!) ▪ Self—Underlies persona and is who you really are, which can be quite different from persona. ▪ Shadow—Dark side of personality (Freud’s Id)  Introverts v Extroverts

5  Focused on compensation instead of conflict  Believed we possess innate positive motives and goals for ourselves  “Inferiority Complex”  Overall, positive outlook on human personality

6  Disagreed with Freud on several topics, especially sex and role of women  More of an emphasis on social relationships and environment  Studies anxiety and its role in development of personality  Neurotic trends  Submission, Aggression, Detachment

7  Agreed that lifetime social factors are more important in determining adult personality  Developed psychosocial theory  Eight life stages with a life crisis/social conflict in each  Believes personality shapes and changes as life progresses  Packet pages 15/16 will help us understand each stage..

8  What do you think of the psychosocial stages in comparison to the psychosexual?  Think about the stage you are in right now (IDENTITY V. ROLE CONFUSION). Do you personally identify with this stage? How are you doing with the “crisis” it presents?

9 1. Displaying longer than average reaction time to a stimulus word 2. Repeating the stimulus word back as a response 3. Failing to respond at all 4. Using expressive bodily reactions e.g. laughing, touching skin 5. Stammering 6. Continuing to respond to a previous word 7. Reacting meaninglessly e.g. with made up words 8. Reacting superficially with a word that sounds like the stimulus word (e.g. die-lie) 9. Responding with more than one word 10. Misunderstanding the stimulus as some other word

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