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West Africa In the Middle Ages. Warm-Up(1/17/12) Complete questions West Africa Civilizations What do we know? What do we want to know? What will we.

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Presentation on theme: "West Africa In the Middle Ages. Warm-Up(1/17/12) Complete questions West Africa Civilizations What do we know? What do we want to know? What will we."— Presentation transcript:

1 West Africa In the Middle Ages


3 Warm-Up(1/17/12) Complete questions West Africa Civilizations What do we know? What do we want to know? What will we learn?

4 Geography Savannah, Forest, Desert Vegetation Zones Different resources

5 Religion Traditional beliefs and religion Islam from North Africa A balance between the two religions

6 Achievements Elaborate trade networks Contributions to Muslim learning Strong government over a wide area

7 Politics Rule by kings in empires or kingdoms Kingdoms would expand when rulers of wealthy cities conquered other cities Kings made merchants pay tribute Villages most important to common people

8 Economy All about the trade- Mali and Ghana able to prosper economically because they were located along trade routes Gold and slaves from the south, salt from the north, food from both Trans-Sahara trade

9 Social Structure Family structure Villages are key Kinship considered vital

10 Geography and Trade




14 Niger River

15 Important river in West Africa Went through 3 vegetation zones Provided farmland Transportation and communication

16 Desert Dry climate Only plants that need little water grow Sahara desert dominant feature and barrier Salt found here, and labor often needed Some food grown No gold

17 Savannah Grassland in a tropical region Flat, grassy, and some scattered trees Wet and dry seasons Certain crops and cattle come from this area in big amount No salt or gold Extra Labor

18 Forest Wet climate with many plants Found in the southern coastal areas of West Africa Gold is found here Some food grown, but no salt Extra Labor

19 Trading Trade can be difficult Niger River helps trade in parts of West Africa Sahara a large barrier to northern Africa Camel used starting in 300 CE Camel greatly increased trade abilities

20 The Trade What goes where? Who gets what? What does each vegetation zone have? What does each vegetation zone need? How will it get there?

21 The Ghana Empire Read pages 159-161 in textbook Use Cornell Notes system In your Main Ideas section, break up your notes into sections: – The Foundation of the Empire – Religious and Cultural Changes – Influence of Islamic Beliefs – Ghana Under Attack Write at least 3 main points for each section

22 The Mali Empire Read aloud as a class pages 165- 167 in textbook Use organized notes First section: Rise of Mali – Sundiata Comes to Power (4 notes) – Mansa Musa Expands the Empire (4 notes) Second section: Decline of Mali – Internal Problems (2 notes) – External Problems (2 notes)

23 Sundiata Sundiata had a powerful army, captured parts of old Ghana, including the old capital Expanded the empire and trade networks starting in 1240 CE and made new capital of Timbuktu

24 Sundiata Islam and traditional beliefs are balanced Crops expanded in certain regions

25 Mansa Musa Mansa Musa came to power in 1312 CE and was a devoted Muslim Allowed his people to practice any religion

26 Mansa Musa 1324 CE began a great pilgrimage to Mecca that raised interest in West Africa Brought back Islamic advancements and ideas

27 Decline of Mali After Mansa Musa died in 1332 CE, people fought over who would be the next ruler Newly conquered regions began to rebel against Mali rule

28 Decline of Mali Berber’s came from the north and captured Mali’s territories and Timbuktu by 1433 CE By 1500 CE, Mali was only a small kingdom

29 West Africa In the Middle Ages


31 West Africa Civilizations What do we know? What do we want to know? What will we learn?

32 Geography ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

33 Religion Traditional beliefs and religion Islam from _______________ A balance between the _________________

34 Achievements Elaborate trade networks Contributions to _____________ learning Strong _______________ over a wide area

35 Politics Rule by kings in empires or kingdoms _______________ would expand when rulers of wealthy cities conquered other cities Kings made merchants pay _______________ Villages most important to common people

36 Economy All about the trade- Mali and Ghana able to prosper economically because they were located along __________________ _________and slaves from the south, ___________ from the north, food from both _________________ trade

37 Social Structure _____________ structure Villages are key Kinship considered vital

38 Geography and Trade




42 Niger River

43 Important __________ in West Africa Went through 3 vegetation zones Provided ______________ _________________ and communication

44 Desert ___________ climate Only plants that need little water grow _____________ desert dominant feature and barrier ________ found here, and labor often needed Some food grown ___________________

45 Savannah _______________ in a tropical region Flat, ___________, and some scattered trees Wet and dry seasons Certain crops and cattle come from this area in big amount No ________________ Extra Labor

46 Forest Wet climate with many plants Found in the southern coastal areas of West Africa ____________ is found here Some food grown, but _______________ Extra Labor

47 Trading Trade can be difficult ___________________ helps trade in parts of West Africa ________________a large barrier to northern Africa Camel used starting in 300 CE Camel greatly increased trade abilities

48 The Trade What goes where? Who gets what? What does each vegetation zone have? What does each vegetation zone need? How will it get there?

49 The Ghana Empire Read pages 159-161 in textbook Use Cornell Notes system In your Main Ideas section, break up your notes into sections: – The Foundation of the Empire – Religious and Cultural Changes – Influence of Islamic Beliefs – Ghana Under Attack Write at least 3 main points for each section

50 The Mali Empire Read aloud as a class pages 165- 167 in textbook Use organized notes First section: Rise of Mali – Sundiata Comes to Power (4 notes) – Mansa Musa Expands the Empire (4 notes) Second section: Decline of Mali – Internal Problems (2 notes) – External Problems (2 notes)

51 Sundiata Sundiata had a powerful army, captured parts of old Ghana, including the old capital Expanded the empire and trade networks starting in 1240 CE and made new capital of Timbuktu

52 Sundiata Islam and traditional beliefs are balanced Crops expanded in certain regions

53 Mansa Musa Mansa Musa came to power in 1312 CE and was a devoted Muslim Allowed his people to practice any religion

54 Mansa Musa 1324 CE began a great pilgrimage to Mecca that raised interest in West Africa Brought back Islamic advancements and ideas

55 Decline of Mali After Mansa Musa died in 1332 CE, people fought over who would be the next ruler Newly conquered regions began to rebel against Mali rule

56 Decline of Mali Berber’s came from the north and captured Mali’s territories and Timbuktu by 1433 CE By 1500 CE, Mali was only a small kingdom

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