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Twenty Questions Subject: Chapter 3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject: Chapter 3

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. Founder of Daoism Laozi

5 2. Prehistoric/ legendary Chinese dynasty Xia

6 3. Philosopher who was interested in politics and society? Confucius

7 4. First historical dynasty in China Shang

8 5. What are the Analects? Works containing the teachings of Confucius

9 6. Dynasty during which Confucius lived? Zhou

10 7. Shortest Chinese dynasty? Qin

11 8. General who established the Han dynasty? Liu Bang

12 9. During what dynasty was the civil service system established? Han

13 10. The art of beautiful handwriting? Caligraphy

14 11. Variations of languages Dialects

15 12. Used by ancient Chinese priest to predict the future? Oracle bones

16 13. Type of government during the Qin dynasty autocracy

17 14. Economic practice during the Han dynasty? Leveling

18 15. Careful records of a family’s ancestors? genealogy

19 16. What was the biggest problem with the Huang River? Devastating floods

20 17. What three dynasties in China created a strong central government? Shang, Zhou, Han

21 18. The importance of family, respect for the elders, and reverence for ancestors form the basis of ?????? Confucianism

22 19. Book used to train scholars and civil servants in ancient China are called? Five Classics

23 20. Force that is female, dark and passive? Yin

24 21. Force that is male, bright and active? Yang

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