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Bell Ringer Monday, September 21, 2015 Word Study The Latin root -vit- or -viv- means “life.” In the story “All Summer in a Day,” Margot’s parents believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Monday, September 21, 2015 Word Study The Latin root -vit- or -viv- means “life.” In the story “All Summer in a Day,” Margot’s parents believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Monday, September 21, 2015 Word Study The Latin root -vit- or -viv- means “life.” In the story “All Summer in a Day,” Margot’s parents believe it is vital, or extremely important, that she return to Earth. Write a sentence using the word “vital.”

2 During: Author’s Purpose/Setting/Conflict Page 99 Author’s Purpose- Entertain: Funny details or details that create interest (to enjoy) Teach: Explanations (to learn) Reflect: Details that create a mood (to think)

3 During: Author’s Purpose/Setting/Conflict Page 99 Setting- The time and place of the action. Setting can be… Merely the backdrop OR specific in developing the story. It can also directly relate to the story’s central conflict (the problem).

4 During: Vocabulary Preview Turn to page 100 and follow along as we read the definitions aloud.

5 During: Small Group Activity Review the vocabulary words on page 100. Come up with a way to act out your group’s assigned vocabulary word so that your audience may understand its meaning. Be prepared to share with the class. Each group should write the word, definition, and a brief explanation of your plan.

6 Bell Ringer: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Unit Question: What is the best way to find the truth? Finish this sentence starter: “When we have evidence that something exists, but others don’t believe us, we can…”

7 During: Vocabulary Drama Turn in your group’s summary before you begin. (word, definition and summary) Make sure you present loud and clear! Do your best! Relax, smile and have fun!

8 Place your vote Which group had the best skit? Write the group number and vocabulary word on a scratch paper and drop it in the basket on the way out.

9 During: Sentence Fragments A sentence fragment is a group of words that doesn’t express a complete thought. For example: “When we have evidence that something exists, but others don’t believe us.” We need the rest of the sentence to understand what is being said. Fragments leave us hanging!

10 During: Sentence Fragments Identify sentence or fragment: 1)She changed into her pj’s and hopped into bed. 2)Because it was raining. 3)After the movie was over. 4)He was so relieved to finally be home. 5)When you have a job to do. 6)Make sure to study for your test. 7)It’s the end of the day. 8)Looking out the window. S S S S F F F F

11 During: Research Research 6 facts about Venus. Draw a picture of the planet and place your facts around the picture.

12 Bell Ringer: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 How would you feel if you lived in a place where it rained all the time? Respond in one paragraph.

13 During: Anticipation Guide Complete the anticipation guide filling in your response first and then your group’s response. We will use this guide again after completing story. 1. The weather has an effect on people’s moods. 2. It is normal to resent someone who is in a better situation than you. 3. People should resist following others just to fit in. 4. It is wrong to hurt someone just because he or she is different.

14 During: Pre-reading p 101 Meet the author: Ray Bradbury Story Background: Venus

15 During: Critical Viewing Look at the picture on pages 102 and 103. Do you expect this story to be happy, sad, or scary? Why?

16 During: Read Aloud Read aloud “All Summer in a Day” Page 102

17 After: Anticipation Guide Look back at your anticipation guide. Did your answers change now that you’ve read the story? Turn in your guide as you leave. COMING SOON YOU HAVE A QUIZ FRIDAY!!! We visit the library tomorrow!!!

18 Bell Ringer: Thursday, September 24, 2015 Word Study The Latin root -vit- or -viv- means “life.” Use the context of the sentences and what you know about the information above to explain your answer to each question below. 1.If a doctor revitalizes a patient, does the patient live or die? 2.Would a vivacious dog lie down when you enter the room?

19 During: Personal Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of common and proper nouns. The key benefits of pronouns is that they are useful in making our language not be so repetitive and keeps it from bogging down. If it weren’t for pronouns, when you were talking about someone, you would have to keep repeating their name over and over. Antecedents are the words that the pronouns replace. Jason left some books in the cafeteria. He asked his teacher if he could go get them.

20 During: Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns are used in place of a common or proper noun. Example: He is not staying. I me he she it him her you we they them

21 During: Personal Pronouns Possessives show ownership. Example: This is his book. his hers its yours ours theirs

22 During: Personal Pronouns Underline the pronouns in each sentence below. 1)Emily wondered where she left her book bag. 2)Kenny watched the bird build its nest. 3)The football team left their helmets on the field. 4)The monkey took its time climbing down the tree. 5)Justin walked to his house after school.

23 During: Personal Pronouns Hear the Pronouns! I’m going to read a selection. Every time you hear a pronoun CLAP.

24 During: Author’s Purpose Get out your notes from Monday. What are two things the author might have wished to teach his audience through this story? What do you think was the author’s main purpose in writing this story. Which details support your answer?

25 During: Setting How does the setting of this story affect the characters? Give two examples of how the setting affects the mood of the story

26 During: Silent Reading & Questions Reread the story silently, then answer critical thinking questions 3a,b,c and 4a,b on page 110. This is independent work. Please do not consult your neighbor. This is a wonderful opportunity to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz. DON’T FORGET: WE GO TO THE LIBRARY TOMORROW! BRING YOUR AR BOOKS!

27 Bell Ringer Friday, September 25, 2015 Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words on page 100. (DO NOT copy the example sentence in the book. Create your own sentence.)

28 During: Personal Pronouns as Subjects Subject pronouns function as the subject of a clause or sentence. The subject pronouns are: I, we, he, she, it, you, and they An example of a subject pronoun at work would be: She is too funny.

29 Subject Pronouns Here are a few sentences using subject pronouns: She watered the plants. Sometimes, they act crazy. You can go to the game, as long as you finish the dishes. We are finished with examples.

30 Pronouns as Objects The object is affected in some way by the subject of the sentence. Let’s break down just what an objective noun is, using an example sentence: Mary ate the ice cream. Mary is the subject of the sentence. Now let’s replace “ice cream” with “it.” Mary ate it. “it” is the object pronoun because “it” is replacing the object that Mary (the subject) is eating (affecting).

31 Pronouns as Objects Underline the object pronouns. 1)She liked the way it tasted. 2)I want to read all about it.

32 During: Quiz (do not use your book) 1. Who is the main character in the story? 2. On what planet do the children live? 3. What kind of weather do they experience on their planet EVERYDAY? 4. What are the children waiting to see? 5. What do the children do to the girl before they go outside? 6. How many hours do the children stay outside? 7. What kind of landscape does the planet have? (desert, jungle, or icebergs) 8. Why do all the children run back inside? 9. What do the children remember when they come inside? 10. Who is the author of “All Summer in a Day”?

33 Study Guide “All Summer in a Day” test on Monday. Please review your study guide.

34 After: AR Silent Reading

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