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3Process Description – Permit to Work System 3.1General:  The permit to work system defines the process to be followed to control specific types of work.

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Presentation on theme: "3Process Description – Permit to Work System 3.1General:  The permit to work system defines the process to be followed to control specific types of work."— Presentation transcript:

1 3Process Description – Permit to Work System 3.1General:  The permit to work system defines the process to be followed to control specific types of work (non-routine) that may present hazards or high risk to personnel, compromise the integrity of the facility, pose environmental risks or conflict with other work activities by introducing hazards or risks not previously identified  Three types of permits are included within the permit to work system. (Permit Colors Noted) Safe Work Permit (Black on White) Hot Work Permit (Red on White) Confined Space Permit (Green on White)  Each Permit Type will: Be written in English Have a unique reference number Be produced in duplicate Be color coded 2Responsibilities 2.1 Leadership in Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility. We Must ALL ensure that we are executing work activities per this policy. 2.2 Safety Manager is assigned responsibility for ensuring that the expectations in respect of the Permit to work procedure are adequately defined and documented, and thereafter, that the process is effectively implemented and maintained. In addition they will ensure that employees and contractor personnel are provided with Work Permit training, as appropriate to their roles within the permit system 2.3 Plant Manager is assigned responsibility for ensuring expectations and requirements in respect of the Permit to Work procedure are effectively communicated throughout the facility and that there is strict compliance with the documented expectations 2.4 Employees & Contractors are responsible for working in accordance with the expectations defined within the permit to work system when performing non-routine tasks that have a potential to impact on safe operations at the site and for ensuring that concerns and/or omissions that may lead to potential unsafe operation are brought immediately to management’s attention. Employees are reminded that all personnel have the authority to stop work if there is any reason to believes that an unsafe condition exists or may exist 1Scope 1.1To outline and describe the specific process for permitting and conducting non-routine work within the refinery while ensuring appropriate inspection and controls are used to protect people, the environment and assets and compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20111 of 12 Work Permitting Process Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Index to Procedure Information Pages Associated Document Links 1Scope1 SSP-0004a Safe Work Permit 2Responsibilities1 SSP-0004b Hot Work Permit 3Process Description – Permit To Work Procedure1-2 SSP-0004c Confined Space Permit 4Roles and Responsibilities3-4 5General guidelines5-7 6Hot Work Permit to Work Specifics7 7Confined Space Permit to Work Specific8-9 Safe Work Permit Overview10 Hot Work Permit Overview11 Confined Space Permit Overview12

2 33.1General – (continued)  Each permit to work will require the following information to be recorded on the permit PRIOR to authorization: A Description of the work by the Permit Requestor/Holder to include: The Identify of the company requesting the work permit The work location (Area/Unit) The Name of the Permit Holder The equipment, tools and materials to be used The number of persons involved in the activity The work order number(s) associated with this work activity A Scope description of the Task to be carried out  Results of a joint area inspection completed by the permit Holder and Permit Issuer to include: A Description of Equipment Pre-Work and Area Preparation that must be accomplished to include: Lock-Out – Tag Out Procedures, Cleaning, Setup, etc. An Assessment of Job Hazards and Hazard control measures to be implemented, including PPE and specific Hazards and instructions. Any tests carried out to verify that the work can be performed safely Inspection and verification that activities carried out to ensure mitigation measures have been effectively implemented and the job may proceed.  Work permits will be prepared, authorized and issued by a trained and competent person who has been approved by Senior Management (Operating Facility) to perform this function 3.2Safe Work Permit (Cold Work / Low Energy)  Non-Routine (any work activity that is not defined within an operating procedure or standard operating protocol) work carried out by facility personnel (operational and/or maintenance).  All work activities carried out by contractors not involving hot work and/or confined space entry.  Any works deemed by a Meraux Supervisor to require a safe work permit to control the work.  Low Energy work includes all vehicle entry into process areas or the use of low-voltage electrically operated /non- intrinsically safe battery operated equipment. Gas testing and documentation is required where a safe work permit includes low energy work. 3.3Hot Work Permit  Any work or use of equipment that could produce a spark or will generate sufficient heat to ignite combustible materials, liquids or vapors and/or flammable liquids or vapors 3.4Confined Space Entry Permit  A space that is large enough and so configured that personnel can bodily enter, has limited or restricted means of entry or exit, is not designed for continuous occupancy, has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere or contains material that has the potential to engulf an entrant Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Quick Reference to Permit Requirements Safe Work/Low Energy Permit RequiredHot Work Permit RequiredConfined Space Entry Permit Required  Non-Routine work by company personnel  Contractor Work within and around the operation  Vehicle entry into the operating units  Work involving low voltage equipment use within the operating units (only if atmosphere has been tested)  Work involving non-intrinsically safe battery operated equipment use within the operating units (only if atmosphere has been tested)  Welding/Cutting  Grinding  Open Flames  Creation of Sparks  Requiring work to be performed by individuals within a vessel that:  Is not designed for continuous occupancy  Has limited re restricted entry or exit  Has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.  Contains material that could engulf the entrant. AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20112 of 12 Work Permitting Process

3 Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 4Roles & Responsibilities – Permit to Work 4.1Permit Requestor / Holder -- The person Requesting and holding a work permit will ensure:  The work permit is requested in a timely manner to allow a review of the proposed work and work area  The scope of the proposed work, the equipment to be used, the associated hazards, the proposed hazard mitigation measures and the identified safe method of working are defined and communicated to the Permit Issuer.  The workplace is prepared for inspection prior to requesting the permit  The procedures to be followed (safe method of working) are effectively communicated to all those involved in the performance of the works  Adequate training of the workers performing the activities including:  Instruction in the permit to work system  Instruction in the required tasks and safe work procedures  Emergency alert and evacuation procedures  Specific instruction in the details of the permit and its control measures  The workplace is inspected to ensure that activities are performed in accordance with safe work procedures and the provisions of the permit:  Prior to the permit being authorized and with the permit issuer  Regularly during the course of work  Prior to closing the permit after completing the work and certifying that the area is clean and returned to safe operating condition  For significant work the Permit Requestor / Holder will provide the Permit Issuer with a safe method of working and JSA, appropriate to the specific needs of the proposed work  At completion the job and work site must be inspected to ensure it is clean and safe and certify completion on the permit. Also must note if there was exposure to HF Acid and whether the PPE was cleaned, dried and stored properly. 4.2 Permit to Work – Contractor Management  If the proposed work is to be carried out by contractors the Contractor’s representative will ensure that the following expectations are effectively met:-  Those employees assigned to the proposed work:-  Have been given the appropriate training and understand the operation of the permit to work system and their specific responsibilities within it  Are trained and competent to perform the tasks assigned to them  Plant and/or equipment supplied to perform the tasks assigned are adequately maintained, certified as applicable and remain fit for purpose during the duration of the proposed work 4.3 Permit to Work – Permit Issuer – The Meraux Refinery Person issuing the permit will ensure:  They are a trained and competent employee of the operating unit  The nature of the work is fully understood  The hazards associated to the work are identified  All hazard mitigation measures are effectively implemented prior to the work starting  Any permits issued for other tasks that may interact are cross referenced  The equipment and workplace is adequately prepared prior to authorizing the permit  The safe method of work is available, reviewed and understood by those performing the work  Any testing, including atmospheric monitoring are carried out and recorded prior to permit issue  The plant, equipment and/or work area is inspected prior to issuing the permit  A suitable hand-over is performed at the time of shift change to ensure that all ongoing or suspended permits are discussed with the Issuing Authority  At completion the job and work site must be inspected to ensure it is clean and safe and certify completion on the permit. 4.4 Permit to Work – Those Carrying Out Work  Those carrying out the work will ensure the following:  They have received training in, and have good understanding of, the permit to work system  They do not start any work requiring a permit until it has been properly issued  They receive a briefing from the permit holder on the particular task and the precautions to be followed  They follow the conditions specified on the permit  When they stop work, the site and any equipment is left in a tidy and safe condition  If in any doubt, or if circumstances change, they stop work and consult the Permit Issuer AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20113 of 12 Work Permitting Process

4 Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 4Roles & Responsibilities – Permit to Work -- (continued) 4.5Fire Watch – Hot Work Permit Only  Whenever hot work takes place a Fire-Watch will be assigned to monitor the work activities and maintain a safe working environment.  The Fire-Watch must be appropriately trained and able to fulfill the duties associated to the role competently, specifically they must be aware of the:-  Planned work and associated hazards  Communication protocol between work site and control room  Gas testing / monitoring required prior to and during the works  Control measures as specified in the permit to work and any associated documents  Procedure for sounding the alarm in the event of an emergency  Primary and secondary evacuation routes to be used in the event of a fire occurring at the work site  Safety hazards associated to fire-watch duties  PPE required to perform fire-watch duties safely  Correct selection and use of fire extinguishers  Site safety plan  The Fire-Watch must be trained and able to perform the following key functions of the role:-  Verify that gas testing has been carried out and the area is safe to perform hot work  Inspect the work site prior to the work starting to ensure potential risks, including combustibles are removed or covered, that any nearby openings are sealed or covered with fire safe materials and that any requisite conditions on the permit and forms are complied with  Ensure that fire-fighting equipment is readily available and serviceable  Maintain a diligent watch on activities likely to create an ignition source. The Fire-Watch is not permitted to carry out any other duties whenever hot work is taking place, he must continuously monitor the work taking place to ensure the safety of those working and the site  Stop the hot work should a safety hazard be identified  Sound the fire alarm in the event of a fire  Maintain a watch at the hot work site for at least 30 minutes after all hot work has ceased and during this time inspect the adjacent area for signs of combustion  NOTE: It is acceptable for a single Fire-Watch to be assigned to monitor a group of workers carrying out a range of hot work activities providing that the Fire-Watch they are able to effectively monitor all work areas by uninterrupted access around the work areas and that the work is being carried out within 100 feet of a central point  NOTE: It is not permitted for a Safety Watch (Confined Space Entry) to act as a the Fire-Watch for works taking place simultaneously outside the confined space 4.6Confined Space Attendant – Confined Space Permit Only  Whenever confined space entry takes place a Confined Space Attendant will be assigned to monitor the activities taking place within the confined space and maintain a safe working environment.  The Entry-Watch must be appropriately trained and able to fulfill the duties associated to the role competently, specifically they must:-  Maintain contact / communication with those inside the confined space at all times  Continually observer those working inside the confined space, the work in progress and the surrounding area for safety concerns  Alert those inside the confined space to any danger in or around the confined space and to call for assistance immediately  Ensure there is an effective means of communication to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency  Be aware of the correct and proper use of a fire extinguisher and other safety equipment if needed  Be familiar with the permit to work and confined space entry forms and ensure that all control measures are effectively implemented  Be prepared to act in the event that a person within the confined space has a safety problem  Be aware of how to shutdown equipment in the event of an emergency  Be aware of who is providing emergency rescue, what rescue equipment is close by, where it is and who is available to provide assistance when using it  Be aware of the procedures for sounding the alarm in the event of an emergency  Be aware of the communication protocol between work site and control room  Ensure that all gas testing requirements have been effectively met  Ensure that all control measures as specified in the permit to work and associated forms are effectively maintained AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20114 of 12 Work Permitting Process

5 Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 5General Guidelines 5.1Pre-Task Hazard Assessment  Prior to issuing a work permit the Permit Issuer (Meraux employee) will conduct a workplace and task hazard assessment to identify the potential hazards associated with the proposed work and to determine the control measures necessary to ensure the work can be performed safely. 5.2Hazard and Control Measure Review  The Permit Issuer (Meraux) and Permit Requestor / Holder (person supervising the identified works) will discuss, at the designated work site, the identified hazards, the necessary control measures, and any additional information to ensure mutual understanding and agreement of the actions required to perform the task safely 5.3Preparation of Work Site  The Permit Issuer (Meraux) and Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that all steps necessary to prepare the work site for the proposed work are taken, these may include but are not limited to:-  Communicating the scope of work to all relevant parties  Isolation of plant and/or equipment  Draining, purging, venting, or flushing of equipment  Barricading the work site  Atmospheric gas testing (if identified as potential hazard)  Typically the work site / equipment will be prepared by either operations and/or maintenance department personnel, in the event that those carryout the permit required work are required to prepare the work site / equipment the Permit Issuer & Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure an appropriate work permit is raised to control the preparation work 5.4Permit Preparation  The Permit Issuer (Meraux) will ensure that the following sections of the work permit are completed prior to the permit being authorized for issue:-  Previous Product In Equipment  MSDS Checked  Additional PPE Required  Equipment Pre-Work (Verify if required & done)  Area Preparation (Verify if required & done)  Job Hazards & Standard Controls (Identify those applicable)  PPE (Identify PPE required in addition to Standard PPE)  Specific Hazards (Identify task specific hazards not references in Job Hazards)  Additional Controls and/or Special Instruction (Identify any task specific requirements)  Atmospheric Monitoring (Record gas testing carried out and qualified person)  These sections of the work permit should be completed in consultation with the Permit Requestor / Holder to ensure mutual understanding of expectations 5.5Permit Issue  The Permit Issuer (Meraux) will review the work permit with the Permit Requestor / Holder to ensure that it is completed in all aspects, as applicable to the work tasks to be performed prior to completing the Permit Issue section  The Permit Issuer will ensure the following:-  The Start Time is recorded on the permit  The Time Expires is record on the permit  The Permit Holder prints / signs their name and dates the entries  The Permit Issuer prints / signs their name and dates the entries  Additional names and signatures are obtained as appropriate to the type of work permit  One copy of the work permit is issued to the Permit Requestor / Holder for posting at the work site  One copy of the work permit is retained in the active permit file AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20115 of 12 Work Permitting Process

6 Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 5General Guidelines – (continued) 5.6Pre-Task Safety Briefing  Following issue of the work permit the Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that a Pre-Task Safety Briefing is carried out with those who will be performing the proposed tasks at the work site  In the event that additional workers arrive on site after the initial safety brief the Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that a safety brief is given to those workers before starting work 5.7Start of Work  The Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that work starts promptly after the issue of the work permit. If work has not commenced within 60 minutes of the permit being issued, work cannot begin and the permit must be returned to the Permit Issuer (Meraux) for re-validation 5.8Permit Duration  A work permit can be issued for a maximum period of twelve (12) hours providing the Permit Issuer remains on site.  The permit can be extended for a maximum of twelve (12) hours providing the Permit Issuer who extends the permit remains on site for that period  Whenever a work permit is extended the Permit Issuer will ensure that the following expectations are effectively met:-  Attend the work site, with the Permit Requestor / Holder and carry out an inspection to confirm:-  All restrictions conditions and controls listed on the work permit remain the same  The performance of those performing the work tasks meets expectations  Any gas testing requirements are carried out and recorded  Both copies of the work permit are updated 5.9Conditions Leading to the Stoppage of Work  Work must be stopped and the work permit returned to the Permit Issuer (Meraux) under any of the following conditions:-  Any safety concerns  Activation of emergency alarm  Incident or near miss at the work site  Expiration time reached  The permit issuer will evaluate the situation and determine if and when work can be resumed 5.10 Permit Cancellation  The work permit will be cancelled under the following conditions:-  Change of entire work crew  Change of Permit Holder  Change in scope of work  Change in work site conditions  Injury, incident, or near miss at the work site  Withdrawal of permit by Permit Issuer or facility employee  Work completion 5.11Permit Expiration  When the work permit expires the Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that the work is either completed and/or has been left in a safe condition and that housekeeping expectations are effectively met prior to returning the permit to the Permit issuer  The Permit Issuer and Permit Requestor / holder will carry out a joint inspection of the work and work site to ensure:  The work site has been left in a clean and safe condition  The work has been completed in accordance with the scope and specifications, or alternatively  If the work has not been completed the work area / equipment is left in a safe condition  If the above conditions are met the Permit Issuer will sign off on both copies of the work permit and forward to the Safety Manager for retention. AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20116 of 12 Work Permitting Process

7 Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 5General Guidelines – (continued) 5.12Permit Retention  The Permit Issuer (Meraux) will insure that the completed work permits and any associated documents are retained for a minimum of 13 months  In the event that an incident occurs at the workplace while the work permit was in effect, the permit and associated documents will be retained with the incident report for an indefinite period 6Hot Work Permit – Additional Requirements 6.1General  Any activity that involves the generation of a source of ignition, i.e. where the use of heat, spark or flame used or being generated by tools used are of sufficient intensity to cause ignition of any flammable or combustible material in a hazardous area requires a hot work permit to be issued 6.2Preparation  The Permit Issuer and Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that the following additional actions are effectively implemented prior to the initiation of any hot work:  Physical isolation of plant and equipment  Sealing of all drains within 100 feet of the work site  Purging / flushing / draining / venting of equipment  Postponement / stopping of product movements within the work location  Placement of fire-fighting equipment  Provision of a trained and adequately briefed Fire-Watch at the work site  Performance of an appropriate range of gas tests (Atmospheric monitoring) 6.3Start of Work  The Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that hot work starts promptly after the issue of the work permit. If work has not commenced within 1 hour of the permit being issued, work cannot begin and the permit must be returned to the Permit Issuer (Meraux) for re-validation  The Fire Watch must have all appropriate equipment and be on-duty at the site prior to beginning any hot work. 6.4Atmospheric Monitoring at Work Site  Gas testing for oxygen and/or flammable or toxic vapors at the work site will be carried out by a competent person whenever hot work is required. The competent person will perform the required range of gas testing necessary to ensure that the immediate and surrounding work area is confirmed as suitable to allow the proposed works to proceed safely  The Permit Issuer will not authorize the work to start if the flammable vapor reading is greater than 0% LEL, or if there are residues of flammable liquids present. If the gas test result is greater than 0% LEL the source of the flammable vapors must be determined and remedial actions taken to eliminate it prior to work commencing  If at any time during the works a flammable vapor of greater than 0% LEL is detected all hot work will stop immediately and the permit withdrawn. The hot work permit will only be re-issued once the source of the vapors has been identified, action taken to eliminate the source and gas testing carried out to confirm 0% LEL  At the time of the workplace risk assessment the Permit Issuer will determine if there is a requirement for continuous gas monitoring to be carried out during the proposed works. If identified as a hazard mitigation measure the Permit Issuer will record the requirement on the hot work permit  Any hot work that is to be performed inside a confined space will require continuous monitoring for flammable vapors within the confined space during the work activity AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20117 of 12 Work Permitting Process

8 7Confined Space Entry Work Permit – Additional Requirements 7.1General  A confined space entry permit is required whenever entry into a space that meets all of the following criteria :-  Is large enough and so configured that somebody can bodily enter and performed assigned work  Has limited or restricted means of entry of exit  Is not designed for continuous human occupancy  Has poor ventilation and contains, or has the potential to contain, a hazardous atmosphere  Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing the entrant  Has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross section  Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards  Examples of permit required confined spaces include:-  Any type of vessel  Stationary of portable tanks  Sumps or pits at a depth of 5feet or greater  External floating roofs  Accessing the top of an internal floating roof  Excavations at a depth of 5 feet or greater  Pipeline if large enough to allow a person to place their head inside  A confined space entry permit will be issued in conjunction with the Safe Work and/or Hot Work Permit, as appropriate, to control the work activities within the confined space 7.2Preparation  The Permit Issuer and Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that the following are effectively implemented prior to the initiation of any confined space entry:  Physical isolation of the confined space and associated plant /equipment  Sealing of all drains within 100 feet of the work site  Purging / flushing / draining / venting of the confined space and associated equipment  Postponement / stopping of product movements within the work location  System de-pressurization  Barricading of the work site  Arranging for continuous ventilation once entry is obtained  Selection and placement of rescue equipment  Provision of appropriate measures to handle potential hazardous waste  Provision of low voltage or air driven lighting  Provision of suitable means of access and egress  Mitigation of product movement within the same bund area  Gas Testing, i.e. Oxygen, Flammable & Toxic Vapors 7.3Start of Work  The Permit Requestor / Holder will ensure that confined space entry starts promptly after the issue of the work permit. If entry work has not commenced within 1 hour of the permit being issued, work cannot begin and the permit must be returned to the Permit Issuer (Meraux) for re-validation  The Confined Space Attendant must be on-duty with all necessary equipment and log sheets prior to any entry into the confined space. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20118 of 12 Work Permitting Process

9 Procedure completed  Date Chief Operator signature Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. 7Confined Space Entry Work Permit – Additional Requirements (continued) 7.4Atmospheric Monitoring – Confined Space Entry  Gas testing for oxygen and/or flammable or toxic vapors at the work site will be carried out by a competent person whenever confined space entry is required. The competent person will perform the required range of gas testing necessary to ensure that the confined space and surrounding work area is confirmed as suitable to allow the proposed entry works to proceed safely  At the time of the workplace risk assessment the Permit Issuer will determine if there is a requirement for continuous gas monitoring to be carried out during the proposed works. If identified as a hazard mitigation measure the Permit Issuer will record the requirement on the confined space entry and/or hot work permit  If mechanical ventilation system is being used to remove potentially harmful and/or flammable vapors and maintain a continuous airflow, it is essential that the ventilation system is isolated at least 15 minutes before carrying out gas testing to ensure a representative sample is tested. Once a representative sample has been obtained the ventilation system can be re-energized  Any hot work that is to be performed inside a confined space will require continuous monitoring for flammable vapors within the confined space during the work activity  Entry into a confined space known to contain an inert atmosphere (nitrogen blanketed) is only allowed if the entry is to be carried out by specialist contractors using specialist equipment and authorization to proceed is granted by the site manager following consultation with the Safety Manager Table 1 – Atmospheric Testing (Acceptable Limits) TestsOxygenLELH2SBenzeneTemppH Safe to Enter Confined Space 19.5 to 23%0%<10ppm0 ppm<37.8C6 to 8 Respiratory Protection Required <19.5%<10%10 - 100ppm0.5 - 500ppm37.8 - 43.3CN/A No Entry Permitted 23%>10%>100ppm>500ppm>43.3C 8 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/20119 of 12 Work Permitting Process

10 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/201110 of 12 1.Check Cold Work or Low Energy (only on this permit) 2.Permit Issuer/Holder completes ALL information Required 3.Permit Issuer/Holder & Permit Issuer Sign that scope is understood 4.Check Previous Product MSDS and note PPE? 5.Equipment Pre-Work and Area Preparation *Circle whether Required Y or N *Check Done if complete *Note– if low energy – will require Gas Check. 6.Job Hazard Analysis and Controls must be indicated. *Indicate Y if Hazard exists for specific job. *Circle Standard Controls utilized. 7.Note Specific Hazards and Additional Controls below 8.PPE Requirements *Indicate if require Y or N 9.HF Alky Specific PPE Requirements *Indicate if Level A – B – or C required 10.If Low Energy – Test for Gas prior to issuing the permit and record. Additional testing may be required 11.Indicate the Time Start for this Permit to work – and the Time this Permit Expires (usually the end of the current shift) 12.Permit must be signed by Permit Holder and Issuer. * If Low energy work is included – the Chief Operator must also sign 13.This Work Permit may be EXTENDED for up to an additional shift through this Completing this section. 14.At the completion of the work the Permit Holder and Unit Operator must both certify that the work is complete, the Job site is Clean and safe. 15.The Permit Holder also identifies if HF Acid exposure occurred on the site and if the PPE was appropriately cleaned and dried following exposure. Work Permitting Process

11 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/201111 of 12 1.Permit Issuer/Holder completes ALL information Required 2.Permit Issuer/Holder & Permit Issuer Sign that scope is understood 3.Check Previous Product MSDS and note PPE? 4.Equipment Pre-Work and Area Preparation – This is specific to Hot Work *Circle whether Required Y or N *Check Done if complete *Note: Hot Work Permit Requires Trained Fire Watch and associated Preparation. 5.Job Hazard Analysis and Controls must be indicated. *Indicate Y if Hazard exists for specific job. *Circle Standard Controls utilized. 6.Note Specific Hazards and Additional Controls below 7.PPE Requirements *Indicate if require Y or N *Includes Welding Apparel 8.HF Alky Specific PPE Requirements *Indicate if Level A – B – or C required 9.Gas Testing Prior required: *Prior to issuing Permit *During Work *Additional testing may be required and recorded on log. 10.Indicate the Time Start for this Permit to work – and the Time this Permit Expires (usually the end of the current shift) 11.Permit must be signed by Permit Holder and Issuer. *Chief and Unit Operator must sign *Fire Watch must sign 12.This Work Permit may be EXTENDED for up to an additional shift through this Completing this section. 13.At the completion of the work the Permit Holder and Unit Operator must both certify that the work is complete, the Job site is Clean and safe. 14.The Permit Holder also identifies if HF Acid exposure occurred on the site and if the PPE was appropriately cleaned and dried following exposure. Work Permitting Process

12 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage ALL SSP-0004Wade Gauthreaux/Jeff Warmann09/16/201112 of 12 The Confined Space permit must be reviewed by the Safety Department within 12 months of completion 1.Permit Issuer/Holder completes ALL information Required 2.Permit Issuer/Holder & Permit Issuer Sign that scope is understood 3.Check Previous Product MSDS and note PPE? 4.Equipment Pre-Work and Area Preparation – This is specific to Confined Space *Circle whether Required Y or N *Check Done if complete *Note: Confined Space Requires Trained Entry Attendant and associated Preparation. 5.Job Hazard Analysis and Controls must be indicated. *Indicate Y if Hazard exists for specific job. *Circle Standard Controls utilized. 6.Note Specific Hazards and Additional Controls below 7.PPE Requirements *Indicate if require Y or N 8.HF Alky Specific PPE Requirements *Indicate if Level A – B – or C required 9.Gas Testing Prior required: *Prior to issuing Permit *During Work *Additional testing may be required and recorded on log. 10.Indicate the Time Start for this Permit to work – and the Time this Permit Expires (usually the end of the current shift) 11.Permit must be signed by *Permit Holder *Permit Issuer (Chief) *Unit Operator must sign *Shift Foreman *Confined Space Attendant 12.This Work Permit may be EXTENDED for up to an additional shift through this Completing this section. 13.At the completion of the work the Permit Holder and Unit Operator must both certify that the work is complete, the Job site is Clean and safe. 14.The Permit Holder also identifies if HF Acid exposure occurred on the site and if the PPE was appropriately cleaned and dried following exposure. Work Permitting Process

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