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Personality:5 Factor Theory A personality trait is a disposition to behave in the same way repeatedly….in a variety of situations. States (behavior that.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality:5 Factor Theory A personality trait is a disposition to behave in the same way repeatedly….in a variety of situations. States (behavior that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality:5 Factor Theory A personality trait is a disposition to behave in the same way repeatedly….in a variety of situations. States (behavior that may be uncharacteristic) are different from traits (which tend to be durable over time

2 Robert McCrae and Paul Costa Five Trait Theory – used factor analysis to simplify the classic 16 Trait Theory of Raymond Cattell. McCrae and Costa believe that the five traits form the basis of personality and the other 11 traits are offshoots of them.


4 Extraversion If someone is high in extraversion, they are: Outgoing Sociable Optimistic Friendly Gregarious

5 Neuroticism If some one is high in neuroticism they are: Anxious Hostile Self-conscious Insecure Vulnerable

6 Openness to Experience If someone is high in openness to experience, they are: Curious Flexible Imaginative Artistically sensitive Unconventional in attitudes

7 Agreeableness If someone is high is agreeableness, they are: Sympathetic Trusting Cooperative Modest Straightforward

8 Conscientiousness If someone is high in conscientiousness, they are: Diligent Disciplined Well-organized Punctual Dependable

9 McCrae and Costa maintain that five traits offers enough variation to describe human differences Other researchers think that more than five traits are needed to describe human behavior. This is the dominant theory in current personality study, as it has been supported by other researchers. However, it only describes personality and does nothing to assess where it comes from.

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