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Emotion and Personality. Warm Up What have we already learned about how we can tell if someone is lying? What types of facial expressions might a liar.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotion and Personality. Warm Up What have we already learned about how we can tell if someone is lying? What types of facial expressions might a liar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotion and Personality

2 Warm Up What have we already learned about how we can tell if someone is lying? What types of facial expressions might a liar make?

3 Homework: Short Story Write a Short Story (1-2 Pages) about high school characters who are trying to understand more about themselves by… 1. Analyzing the Cognitive Consistency between themselves and others around them 2. Looking at the goals that they have (learning-based, performance-based, or both) 3. Searching for Sensory Stimulation or Sensory Deprivation in their lives

4 Learning Objectives Analyze lying and Polygraph Tests Interpret Theories of Emotion Build Connections to everyday lives

5 Meet the Parents: Polygraph Test 1. How can you tell that Greg is nervous? 2. How can Jack tell on the Polygraph Machine when Greg is lying? 3. Do you think that parents should have a right to give their children’s partners Polygraph Tests? Why or why not?

6 Two Truths and a Lie Take a minute to write down two truths and a lie Be ready to present them to the class When people are stating their two truths and a lie, make sure you analyze changes in their facial expression, body movements, and tone of voice

7 Independent Writing- 1 Paragraph Think of a time when you lied or “stretched the truth” a. What drives motivated you to do this? b. How did you convince someone of what you were saying? c. What theory of motivation explains your action? d. What role did emotions play in this?

8 Theories of Emotions What are Emotions??? Opponent Process Theory: People pair opposite emotions with each other to achieve emotional balance Commonsense Approach- Interpretations of situations lead to emotions being triggered, causing behaviors based off the emotions James Lange Theory- People react to situations based on instinct, and these reactions lead to emotions

9 Theories of Emotions Cannon-Bard Theory- Situation triggers an external stimulus, which is then processed in the brain, and then leads to bodily and emotional changes Theory of Cognitive Appraisal- The way people react and label an emotion is based off their cognitive assessment of the situation

10 Check for Understanding After each clip, write which Theory of Emotion best describes it

11 Make a Flow Chart Recall a recent situation in which you felt a strong emotion Make a flow chart to describe what led up to the situation, the situation itself, and the emotions triggered after the situation Include sensations, thoughts, and motivations Label your Flow Chart based on the Theory of Emotion which it best fits

12 Discussion/Wrap-Up Which theory of emotion do you think has the most validity? Why? What is the most important emotion for people to express? Why? Is this different for males and females? Make a list of the top ten emotions that people would use to describe yourself

13 Warm Up What are the top three personality traits that people would use to describe yourself? Next to each personality trait, explain why you think these are your top three

14 Homework: Short Story Write a Short Story (1-2 Pages) about high school characters who are trying to understand more about themselves by… 1. Analyzing the Cognitive Consistency between themselves and others around them 2. Looking at the goals that they have (learning-based, performance-based, or both) 3. Searching for Sensory Stimulation or Sensory Deprivation in their lives

15 Learning Objectives Analyze Theories of Personality Interpret the different ideas involved in the Trait Approach Collaborate with group members to create a poster on your theorist/theory

16 Pair-Share Warm Ups Partner up with someone in the class who you think knows your personality Have them write down the three top personality traits which best describes you Have them explain to you why these are your top three personality traits Discuss if you agree or disagree with them

17 Personality Traits Personality: Patterns of feelings, motives, and behaviors that set people apart from one another Trait- An aspect of personality that defines behavior Where do Traits come from? Are they fixed or do they change? Do you agree that Personality Traits always match up with someone’s Personality? Why or why not?

18 Malibu’s Most Wanted How would you describe Brad’s personality? What are his personality traits? Do you think Brad truly understands who he is? Why or why not?

19 Theories of Personality 1. Trait Approach- Traits are fixed and stable 2. Psychoanalytical Approach- Inner drives, conflicts, social norms 3. Learning Approach- Behavior is formed by products of experience 4. Humanistic Approach- Behavior is individual and subjective 5. Sociocultural Approach- Ethnicity, gender, and culture

20 Trait Approach Hippocrates- All behavior is determined by four fluids in human body called humors and each person has a different combination of these humors Gordon Allport- Personality is made up of a combination of 18,000 traits Raymond Cattell- Surface traits are caused by 16 source traits which can be measured and used to predict people’s behavior Hans Eysenck- Focused on the relationship between Introversion and Extroversion, as well as stability and instability The Big Five- 5 main traits determine personality

21 Group Work Group 1: Hippocrates Group 2: Gordon Allport Group 3: Raymond Cattell Group 4: Hans Eysenck Group 5: The Big Five

22 Make a poster With your group, make a poster of your Trait Approach Theorist Include a. Name, Picture, Biographical Information b. Main concepts of their theory c. Symbols/Images/Graphics d. Define all Vocabulary Terms

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