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Creating Analogies Classroom Instruction that Works Identifying Similarities and Differences.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Analogies Classroom Instruction that Works Identifying Similarities and Differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Analogies Classroom Instruction that Works Identifying Similarities and Differences

2 Creating Analogies  Is the process of identifying relationships between pairs of concepts. Analogies help us make connections between things that seem very different.  Another way to look at is, you are identifying relationships between relationships

3 Creating Analogies  Typically an analogy follows the format A:B::C:D Read- A is to B as C is to D Happy:Sad::Big:Small Happy is to Sad as Big is to Small Is this bringing back SAT nightmares for anyone else????

4 What’s the Point?  Analogies can help explain an unfamiliar concept by making a comparison to something that we DO understand

5 Creating Analogies…Common Themes  Similar Concepts  Dissimilar Concepts  Class Membership  Class Name or Class Member  Part to Whole  Change  Function  Quantity/Size

6 Creating Analogies  Students need to be given concrete examples of these relationships so they can recognize the patterns  Once they understand the structure of analogies, they can begin to discover the complexities of the relationships and create new analogies that explain different relationships

7 Cell Analogy Project...

8 Identifying Similarities and Differences Graphic Organizer for the Abstract Reasoning in Analogies Stock Market Crash of 1929 U.S. Economy Exposure to germs Human body is to as Relationship: Something attacks a system and weakens its ability to prevent serious affliction

9 Creating Analogies  We always wish students would include deeper analysis in their writing. Analogies can help students develop this ability.

10 Guiding Students  Students can be provided the complete analogy and must explain the relationship between the items in each pair, as well as the relationship between the two pairs ex down:up::under:over  Or provide a partial analogy and students must fill in the missing part and explain the relationship.

11 Creating Analogies  Visit the sites below and discuss with your group… alogies.htm ks.html ok/chapters/10-analogies/analogies.html

12 Who or what am I?  Read the story on the colored paper.  Who or what am I? Write in the box on page 7 of learning packet.  Write down three analogies that helped you and your thinking throughout the story.  This is a way to introduce literacy into your class!!!

13 …Brainstorm…

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