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Georges Bingen Head of Marie Curie Fellowships unit European Commission DG Research Marie Curie actions: an instrument to support better careers for researchers.

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Presentation on theme: "Georges Bingen Head of Marie Curie Fellowships unit European Commission DG Research Marie Curie actions: an instrument to support better careers for researchers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georges Bingen Head of Marie Curie Fellowships unit European Commission DG Research Marie Curie actions: an instrument to support better careers for researchers

2 FP7 overview (2007-2013) Evolution of annual budget Collaborative research 10 thematic areas Frontier Research ERC Capacities : M€ 4097 People : M€ 4750 Marie Curie Actions Research Capacity Cooperation : M€ 32 413 JRC : M€ 1751 Euratom : M€ 2751 Nuclear research Ideas : M€ 7510 FP7 breakdown (€ million) Total EC budget : M€ 50 521

3 Objectives People Programme People programme = Marie Curie Actions Dedicated programme for structuring training, mobility and career development of researchers Objectives & characteristics:  Strengthening the human potential in R&D in Europe  Stimulate people to enter into the profession of researcher & Encouraging researchers to stay in Europe  Building connections with researchers from around the world  Open to all domains of research (bottom-up approach) & All stages of researchers, from PhD to experienced  Trans-national and intersectorial (industry-academia) mobility  Budget covers (in general) salaries of researchers, mobility & family costs, contributions to research costs

4 A Marie Curie Actions for each need Marie Curie ActionObjective Initial training of researchers Initial Training Networks (ITN) Improve career perspectives of early stage researchers in both public & private sector Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Career development of experienced researchers by e.g.: diversification skills/competencies; reintegrate after mobility/resume research Reintegration Grants (IRG/ERG) Co-funding of regional, national, international programmes (COFUND) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Open and foster dynamic pathways between public research organisations and private commercial enterprises International dimension “World fellowships ” Outgoing International Fellowships (IOF) Reinforce extra-European dimension of the ERA through mobility through training, knowledge transfer, and cooperation Incoming International Fellowships (IIF) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

5 A Marie Curie Actions for each need Applicant organisations IEF OIF IIF ERG IRG Post-graduates < 4 years Post-docs > 4 years Senior researchers > 10 years Profile of researchers Individual researchers Industry/Research Institutions IAPP ITN Public bodies COFUND IRSES

6 RESEARCHERS:  Research freedom (within contractual framework)  Ethical principles  Professional responsibility, contractual obligation, accountability  Dissemination, exploitation of results, public awareness  Supervision/managerial duties  Continuing professional development EMPLOYERS/FUNDERS :  Working conditions, stability of employment, salaries  Value of mobility  Career development/ Appraisal system/ Continuous training/ Career advise  Non-discrimination/Gender balance  Intellectual Property Rights, Co- authorship  Teaching  Participation in decision making bodies European Charter for Researchers

7 Marie Curie Actions: more than just a a financial instrument  Respect European researchers charter  Working conditions  Supervision conditions  Career development plan  Own research /conference attendance budget  Employment conditions  Social security  Pension funds  Family situation  Family specific allowances  Interruption of stays/part-time  Fellowships for career restart  Additional Contributions for maternity leaves 

8 People programme: part of broader strategy EC Communication “Better careers and more mobility: the European partnership for researchers”  Built on past EC actions (Charter & Code, Euraxess, Mobility portal), where progress is slow  Objective: world class research system through partnership between Commission and Member States  systematically open recruitment;  meet the social security and supplementary pensions needs of mobile researchers;  provide attractive employment and working conditions; and  enhance the training, skills and experience of researchers.  … alongside renewed efforts on existing initiatives such as take-up of the principles of the Charter and Code

9 People programme: Thoughts for the future…  Increased involvement of national players: the case of COFUND  Intersectoral mobility & involvement of industry – is enough done?  Career restart – unused potential?  Fellowships: beyond scientific deliverables, i.e outreach, communication  IRSES – a role model for intra-European cooperation  Positioning of Marie Curie versus Erasmus Mundus/ERC

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