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Introduction to ORIENT Lynne Hall. ORIENT Overcoming Refugee Integration Empathic Novel Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ORIENT Lynne Hall. ORIENT Overcoming Refugee Integration Empathic Novel Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ORIENT Lynne Hall

2 ORIENT Overcoming Refugee Integration Empathic Novel Technology

3 ORIENT Purpose of Game Meant to make learning about friendship fun… Use of game-based learning for PSHE and citizenship To help teenagers explore how to help people fit into a group Aim: To help teenagers learn and use friendship strategies for aiding refugee and immigrant children into becoming part of the class / school Uses 3D characters / sets and complex AI architecture Audience - 13-14 year olds

4 ORIENT 3 cultures Sprytes Cogs MeKs

5 Sprytes

6 Cogs

7 MeKs

8 Interacting with ORIENT Trailer Headphones on! dex.html dex.html 3D design overview Index.html

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