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On 20 January 2010, while the Russells were visiting New Zealand, Bob decides to jump off the Kawarau Bridge, famous for the “first commercial bungee jump”

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Presentation on theme: "On 20 January 2010, while the Russells were visiting New Zealand, Bob decides to jump off the Kawarau Bridge, famous for the “first commercial bungee jump”"— Presentation transcript:

1 On 20 January 2010, while the Russells were visiting New Zealand, Bob decides to jump off the Kawarau Bridge, famous for the “first commercial bungee jump” back in 1988. This is a shot of the bridge Bob took while someone else just finished their “Leap of Faith.”

2 After paying for the jump and weighing in at 81 kg, bearded Bob seems confident about his plans.

3 A staff member tells Bob to waive at the crowd standing on the side of the chasm before he takes his Leap of Faith.

4 Undaunted, our fearless adventurer leaps “way out,” as directed by the staff member on the bridge.

5 About this point, Bob was just praying (1) the cord didn’t break and (2) that he did not soil himself.

6 An aerial view of Leaping Bob and view from the crowd (Judy’s in the pink blouse taking photos).

7 As predicted, adjusting the bungee ropes to match Bob’s weight allowed him to touch the river – and slightly douse his balding head.

8 At this point, Bob remembers all the times he went fishing and toyed with a fish dangling on a line. The world, turned upside down, seemed to be a blur as he bobbed up and down and up and down for a few seconds.

9 Finally, two members of the staff capture Bob and lower him gently into the rubber dinghy.

10 Judy snaps a shot of Bob after his jump— he was very relieved that it was over.

11 The Kawarau River is a gorgeous river that runs speedily through a rocky canyon. The 143-foot leap was the jump of a lifetime. Bob ruled out another jump in NZ that is about 400 feet!

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