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Hadron Therapy Mini-Workshop, December 15, 2003 - Prebys 1 Opening Remarks  Welcome  Thanks for coming  Apologies  I’m kind of new to this, so there.

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Presentation on theme: "Hadron Therapy Mini-Workshop, December 15, 2003 - Prebys 1 Opening Remarks  Welcome  Thanks for coming  Apologies  I’m kind of new to this, so there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hadron Therapy Mini-Workshop, December 15, 2003 - Prebys 1 Opening Remarks  Welcome  Thanks for coming  Apologies  I’m kind of new to this, so there are some people I’ve left out.  Please spread the word of our interest.  Administrative details:  Please get me copies of any transparencies (electronic preferred), and I’ll circulate them along with the minutes.

2 Hadron Therapy Mini-Workshop, December 15, 2003 - Prebys 2 What We Hope to Accomplish  Nail down the technical specifications for the proposed hadron therapy facility at the Fermilab Industrial Park, particularly:  Specifications for the front-end linac  Should the proposal include a synchrotron?  Establish as much commonality with other projects as possible.  Proton driver  New Fermilab linac  Other facilities worldwide  Identify viable vendors for accelerator components.

3 Hadron Therapy Mini-Workshop, December 15, 2003 - Prebys 3 Schedule  10-12: Hornet's Nest (Wilson Hall 8th Floor Crossover)  Welcome - E. Prebys (15 minutes)  Project Overview and Status of Business Proposal - A. Lennox (45min)  Requirements of 8 GeV Linac and Comments on AccSys - W. Foster (20 min.)  Taiwanese Interest - G.P. Yeh (20 min.)  Discussions (20 min.)  12-1 Lunch  1-3: RaceTrack (Wilson Hall 7th Floor Crossover)  Indian Linac - V. Bharadwaj (30 min)  Proposed proton therapy synchrotron - S. Peggs (45 min.)  Discussions and additional talks (45 min.)

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