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David Harnett Energy Engineer Environment Directorate Milton Keynes Council.

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Presentation on theme: "David Harnett Energy Engineer Environment Directorate Milton Keynes Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Harnett Energy Engineer Environment Directorate Milton Keynes Council

2 Activities already carried out Attended CYBER launch Bristol, UK 23/24 Sep 2008 Attended National Display Day at Bristol 2 Apr 2009 National Display Day 15 th October CYBER Pre survey circulated Most DEC’s prepared in draft form Building relationships with schools (some bad feeling)

3 Planned activities until April 2010 Produce DEC’s & distribute to sites (by Christmas) On request, Display posters if building <1,000 m2 Targeted training sessions for different sectors / individuals Publicity – Press releases, articles in local media Milton Keynes Council

4 Outputs - Events Caretaker / building managers training sessions (primary schools) Visit each secondary as site / equipment more complex Energy Champions Seminar Session with senior managers Bursars / Heads / Secretaries information sessions

5 Milton Keynes Council Outputs – material / leaflets DEC explanatory leaflet for building managers Produce good practice guide for caretakers Use feedback from sessions to improve guidance Post event(s) press releases Article in Council in-house publication

6 National Display Day 15 October 50 delegates from 39 organisations Including 6 speakers, 3 workshop leaders, 2 sponsors Key note speech : Carbon Reduction Commitment Potential new display clients Pictures and material on Display website Workshops on tips, techniques and methodologies Milton Keynes Council

7 Difficulties / Concerns No specific activity planned with partners Reaching schools (busy timetables) Need to allocate time to new publicity materials Certificates out late but still time to catch up Are we doing enough ?


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