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Primary School English 湘南学院附属小学 黄 晶 Unit9 I come from China.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary School English 湘南学院附属小学 黄 晶 Unit9 I come from China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary School English 湘南学院附属小学 黄 晶 Unit9 I come from China.

2 China

3 Canada

4 India

5 France

6 Australia

7 America

8 Match the pictures to the right flags A B C E F G

9 I come from… Where are you from?

10 She comes from… Where is she from?

11 It comes from… Where is it from?

12 He comes from… Where is he from?

13 oil soil coins

14 oil soil coins



17 oil soil coins coil toil foil boil oik point Read the words:

18 A game---Magic eyes (火眼金睛) Rules( 规则 ) :老师快速出示单 词,看见的同学起立大声说出 该单词。









27 A game---Quick response (快速反应) Rules( 规则 ): 老师说短语,有相 应卡片的学生快速起立并举起卡 片大声说出该短语。

28 I lost my coin in the soil beside the bottle of oil.

29 Chant OI----coin, I lost my coin, OI----soil, in the soil, OI----oil, the bottle of oil. I lost my coin in the soil beside the bottle of oil.

30 Consolidation ( 情景对话)

31 1.Oh,I lost my book/ ruler/… Where is my book/ ruler/… 2.This is the book/ ruler/… Here you are. 3.Thank you! 4.You are welcome



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