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Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost 2014-2015 Promotion & Tenure Debrief Jonathan Wickert Dawn Bratsch-Prince.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost 2014-2015 Promotion & Tenure Debrief Jonathan Wickert Dawn Bratsch-Prince."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost 2014-2015 Promotion & Tenure Debrief Jonathan Wickert Dawn Bratsch-Prince

2 Provost’s Office Recruit -ment HiringThird-year review Post-tenure review Emerging Leaders Academy Named faculty appointment Distinguished, University, Morrill professor Annual review Promotion and tenure review Promotion to professor review Early-career mentoring Mid-career mentoring Dual career support Flexible faculty policies support Faculty Career Path AAU-class recognitions Administrative appointment

3 Provost’s Office FY15 P&T Decisions ACTION YES NO Promotion to Professor, already Tenured273 Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure391* Promotion to Professor (as Collaborator)20 Promotion to Associate Professor (as Collaborator)10 Confer Tenure, already Associate Professor10 TOTALTOTAL704 *Plus one Extension of Tenure-Clock granted

4 Provost’s Office Decisions by Gender and Ethnicity ReviewedGranted Ethnic GroupMFMF White/Caucasian36203319 Black/African-American0101 Asian-American113103 American Indian or Alaskan Native0000 Latino/a-Hispanic2222 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific0000 TOTAL49264525

5 Provost’s Office P&T Results are Generally Positive Starts with high standards and due diligence at time of recruitment and hiring (e.g., postdoc experience) Preliminary review process continues to improve in rigor and quality of feedback to candidates Supportive use of flexible faculty policies Use of PRS in evaluation and in dossier preparation Greater communication regarding P&T expectations

6 Provost’s Office FY 2009 Tenure-Eligible Cohort Number%Number% New Untenured Entrants71 Tenured as of FY 20153752.1% Future Review Date (Granted Extension of Probationary Period) 1622.5% Contract Not Renewed34.2% Left Iowa State without Tenure1419.7% Negative Tenure Decision0 Changed Appointment (to NTE or P&S)11.4%

7 Provost’s Office Tracking Resignations: Gender & Ethnicity/Race Entry Year Total Women Left without Tenure % of Total Total Men Left without Tenure % of total 2006381436.8%391230.8% 200718633.3%271348.1% 20082314.3%59813.6% 200929827.6%42921.4% Entry Year Total Minority Left without Tenure % of Total Total White Left without Tenure % of total 200622940.9%551730.9% 200715853.3%301136.7% 200827311.1%55610.9% 200914214.3%571526.3%

8 Provost’s Office Recruit -ment HiringThird-year review Post-tenure review Emerging Leaders Academy Named faculty appointment Distinguished, University, Morrill professor Annual review Promotion and tenure review Promotion to professor review Early-career mentoring Mid-career mentoring Dual career support Flexible faculty policies support Faculty Career Path AAU-class recognitions Administrative appointment

9 Provost’s Office Helping New Faculty Succeed Cinzia Cervato – faculty fellow on early career faculty professional development Gloria Jones-Johnson– faculty fellow on department chair professional development Elisabeth Lonergan – ADVANCE faculty fellow, and equity advisors now in each college New Faculty Scholars Program Tenure clock extensions where appropriate Dual career program for spouse and partner accommodations

10 Provost’s Office Spouse and Partner Accommodation Program Improves Retention Funding provided by SVPP on a permanent basis $9.6M to support 194 couples since FY01 Retention results: ~80% of all faculty with partners supported by the program have remained at ISU

11 Provost’s Office Tenure Clock Extensions 163 faculty granted extensions since 2003 89 women (55%), 74 men (45%) Extensions granted across all colleges Top reasons for requesting an extension Arrival of children Illness Care of a family member Of those receiving extensions 38% have been granted tenure 33% have tenure pending 28% have resigned

12 Provost’s Office Continuous Improvement Proactively address negative votes and concerns in committee reports, and chair and dean memos Chair and dean letters should be evaluative, not just a citation of facts observed elsewhere in dossier. Comment on quality and impact. References – each from a different institution, biosketches one page or less Votes by faculty at or above proposed rank Address timing of advancement Format of teaching scores We will continue using dossiers as PDF with bookmarks

13 Provost’s Office Recruit -ment HiringThird-year review Post-tenure review Emerging Leaders Academy Named faculty appointment Distinguished, University, Morrill professor Annual review Promotion and tenure review Promotion to professor review Early-career mentoring Mid-career mentoring Dual career support Flexible faculty policies support Faculty Career Path AAU-class recognitions Administrative appointment

14 Provost’s Office Supplemental Slides

15 Provost’s Office Post-tenure Reviews

16 Provost’s Office SVPP Website Resources Guidelines for P&T, preliminary review, PTR Cover sheets, checklists, templates Calendar of deadlines – fixed dates Model documents: NOV Letter of offer PRS FPDA proposals, reports Action plans

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