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Graphic Organizer #2.   Who was Leo?  Pencil factory manager  Accused of killing Mary Phagan  He was Jewish The People vs. Leo Frank.

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1 Graphic Organizer #2

2   Who was Leo?  Pencil factory manager  Accused of killing Mary Phagan  He was Jewish The People vs. Leo Frank

3   Mary went to the factory to pick up her pay  Factory closed due to holiday  Later that evening she was found dead.  Who was Jim Conley?  Janitor at the pencil factory  Changed story several times  In his final story, he claimed Leo asked him to help dispose of the body. What happened?

4   During the case  Windows open in courtroom. Public could hear trial.  Jurors had to walk through protestors to get to courtroom every day.  Results of the case  Leo Frank convicted and sentenced to death.  The Governor of Georgia received new evidence and changed his sentence.  Georgian’s were outraged. A mob of citizens lynched Leo Frank. The Trial

5   To be continued with our MOVIE in APRIL!!!!!! Alonzo Mann/Frank’s Legacy

6   Jim Crow Laws  Laws designed to separate the races.  Created separate facilities for blacks and whites. Separate But Equal

7   Homer Plessy was 1/8 black.  He decided to sit in the “white” section of the railroad car.  He was arrested. Case goes to Supreme Court.  Tested the 14 th Amendment.  Plessy lost. “Separate but Equal” is created. Plessy vs. Ferguson

8   Depriving a person of their right to vote  Racial violence- Used by KKK to control the vote  Poll tax- A charge poor people could not pay  White Primaries- Only whites allowed to vote  Literacy Test- Had to pass reading test in order to vote Disenfranchisement

9   You could “exempt” if you  Owned 40 acres of land  Were a person of good character  The “Grandfather Clause” Exemptions to Literacy Test

10   Booker T. Washington  Educator, Speaker, Author, Political Activist  Founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama  Supported Jim Crow laws  Black Leaders disagreed with him Early Civil Rights Leaders

11  He spoke at the 1895 Cotton States International Exposition held in Atlanta.  Encouraged blacks to be proficient in agriculture, mechanics, commerce and domestic commerce  “Dignify and glorify common labor”  These words shaped race relations for the next 20 years. His speech proposed that blacks and whites should agree to benefit from each other economically. Atlanta Compromise Speech

12   Masters and PhD from Harvard  Civil Rights activist  Pushed for more black involvement in politics  Believed that the most educated of blacks could help others attain civil rights  Helped establish NAACP (National Association of Advancement of Colored People) W.E.B. DuBois

13  Washington urges blacks to work and to be patient. He believes hard work will be your reward DuBois urges education and a demand of immediate and equal rights. In Your Own Words

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