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1 1 2007/08 PSC EXPENDITURE & 2008/09 BUDGET Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 5 March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 2007/08 PSC EXPENDITURE & 2008/09 BUDGET Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 5 March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 2007/08 PSC EXPENDITURE & 2008/09 BUDGET Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 5 March 2008

2 2 OVERVIEW OF PRESENTATION Introduction Expenditure report: 1 April 2007 – 31 Jan 2008 Medium term framework expenditure estimates: 2008/09 – 2010/11 Conclusion

3 3 For the financial period ending 2007/08,the budget of the PSC was divided into three Programmes namely: –Administration –Monitoring and Evaluation –Investigations and Human Resource Reviews. In order to improve organisational efficiency and performance, the budget of the PSC will be divided into the following four programmes with effect from 1 April 2008: –Administration –Leadership and Management Practices –Monitoring and Evaluation –Integrity and Anti-Corruption INTRODUCTION


5 5 PSC EXPENDITURE REPORT: 2007/08 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION SCoA Item (R’000) 2007/08 Budget Actual YTD Feb Estimate March 08 Compensation of employees 74 12662 627(84%)74 106 Goods & Services32 07931 051(97%)31 130 Transfers and subsidies3232(100%)32 Payment for capital assets 1 9271 675(87%)1 219 Theft & Losses20 Total108 16495 405106 507

6 6 CHANGES IN SPENDING PATTERNS: 2005 to 2007 Financial yearSavings/ Under spending % of total budget 2005/061 381 0001.6 % 2006/07 935 0001 %

7 7 PSC BUDGET ALLOCATIONS Financial yearBudget% Increase 2005/6 86 106 00015.13 % 2006/7 97 003 00011. 23 % 2007/8108 164 00010. 32 % 2008/9111 172 0002. 71 %


9 9 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMME2008/092009/102010/11 R’000 1. Administration56 48760 76865 406 2.Leadership and Management Practices 14 64916 05117 872 3. Monitoring and Evaluation18 24919 93022 836 4. Integrity and Anti-Corruption21 78723 75226 049 TOTAL 111 172120 501132 163 Average annual increase2,7%8,4%8,8%

10 10 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub-programme2008/092009/102010/11 Public service Commission 13 73514 75216 004 Management6 3046 7657 321 Corporate Services28 52130 53132 489 Property Management7 9278 7209 592 TOTAL56 48760 76865 406

11 11 PROGRAMME 2: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Sub-programme2008/092009/102010/11 Labour Relations Improvement 6 7637 4118 197 Leadership and Human Resource Reviews 7 8868 6409 675 TOTAL14 64916 05117 872

12 12 PROGRAMME 3: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Sub-programme2008/092009/102010/11 Governance Monitoring 9 28710 14112 109 Service Delivery and Compliance Evaluations 8 9629 78910 727 TOTAL18 24919 93022 836

13 13 PROGRAMME 4: INTEGRITY AND ANTI-CORRUPTION Sub- programme 2008/092009/102010/11 Public Administration Investigations 11 26812 31913 604 Professional Ethics 10 51911 43312 445 TOTAL21 78723 75226 049

14 14 CONCLUSION Since its inception, the OPSC has increasingly managed to improve financial management and budgetary control. The following are worth noting:  Spending patterns have consistently improved from an under-expenditure of 2.35 % in the 2001/2002 financial year to 0.99% in the 2006/2007 financial year.  The PSC has an exemplary audit history with unqualified Audits being received for the past seven years.

15 15 THANK YOU!

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