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Voice Integrated Recognition for First Responders on the Field Sabina MAGALINI UCSC – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice Integrated Recognition for First Responders on the Field Sabina MAGALINI UCSC – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice Integrated Recognition for First Responders on the Field Sabina MAGALINI UCSC – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) Role: Proposal coordinator, S/T provider Proposal activity: SEC-01-DRS-2016: Integrated tools for response planning and scenario building Disclaimer: with the submission of this presentation the consent is given by its author for the organisers to distribute the presentation. SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 1

2 Proposal idea/content In rescue operations data input from the field can be very complicated. Apps and other conventional input devices (tablets, triage bracelets, PDAs etc.) require the use of hands to type data in cases where hands are necessary for rescue operations and are gloved or contaminated. Voice recognition should be able to input already organized data according to predefined domains but it is also important to deduce from the scene information that is not so easily conveyed, such as emotional impressions allowing the identification of the nature of the rescuer’s activity and possible ensuing problems. An integrated system which may organize data by recognition of multiple factors is here proposed, where data is electronically sorted to appropriate databases according to specified rules. <Keywords: rescue, voice recognition, data, ontology, semantics, digital assistant, intuitive systems SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 2

3 Project participants Proposed coordinator: UCSC – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) Partners Other participants: Industrial partner (systems integration/software, FRANCE), SME partner (system development, UK), Academia/Hospital partner (medical expertise/user requirements, ITALY) Looking for partners with the following expertise/technology/application field: Sensors Ontology/semantics ICT Thank you for your time! SMIG2016 - 26-27 January 2016 3

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