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Crisis Management Lewis George Benjamin Johnson. Crisis Management What are the potential ramifications? A.Harm or danger to public or individuals B.Danger.

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Presentation on theme: "Crisis Management Lewis George Benjamin Johnson. Crisis Management What are the potential ramifications? A.Harm or danger to public or individuals B.Danger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crisis Management Lewis George Benjamin Johnson

2 Crisis Management What are the potential ramifications? A.Harm or danger to public or individuals B.Danger to staff C.Staff disciplined or fired D.Bad publicity E.Legal liability (lawsuits) F.Loss of confidence G.Loss of business H.Loss of company or organization value

3 First Steps Identify the Crisis Form a crisis management team Identify keys to effective mitigation

4 Identify the Crisis Determine the size and scope Quickly collect accurate information Identify potential crises or let someone else identify them for you.

5 Crisis Management Team Team members Team environment

6 Effective Mitigation Speak with one voice Be truthful Take the matter seriously “It’s not the act that gets you, it’s what happens after” Two most important questions – Now? – Again?

7 Communications Responding to the unexpected media call Preparing for the expected media call

8 Unexpected Media Call Speak with one voice Be human Give the reporter something Gather all relevant information Brief key personnel

9 Expected Media Call Gather all relevant information Draft talking points and likely Q&A Consider preemptive strike Speak with one voice

10 Aftermath Lessons learned Two most important questions – Now? – Again? Independent Review

11 Questions Lewis George Benjamin Johnson

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