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CFD predictions of transition and distributed roughness over a wind turbine airfoil ESTEBAN FERRER XABIER MUNDUATE 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "CFD predictions of transition and distributed roughness over a wind turbine airfoil ESTEBAN FERRER XABIER MUNDUATE 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 CFD predictions of transition and distributed roughness over a wind turbine airfoil ESTEBAN FERRER XABIER MUNDUATE 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Orlando, Florida, 5 – 8 Jan 2009

2 Contents Background and Motivation Roughness modelling Experimental and CFD Results S814 airfoil  CLEAN  DISTRIBUTED ROUGHNESS Conclusions

3 Background and Motivation Roughness affects Transition.  Traditionally via numerical panel methods or wind tunnel test by tripping the BL. But Roughness affects Fully Turbulent flow.  Experimentally changing the roughness on the surface on the aerofoil.  As result: Modification log-law velocity distribution with increase shear. Not only earlier transition. Traditionally “insensitive to Roughness” implies only effect on transition. Here, it is shown roughness effects beyond transition.

4 Background and Motivation TRANSITIONAL FLOW S814 CLEAN AEROFOIL Menter-Langtry k – ω – γ - Re θ correlation. TURBULENT FLOW S814 CLEAN AEROFOIL SST k – ω TURBULENT FLOW S814 ROUGH AEROFOIL SST k – ω with Wilcox ω w roughness model. 2D Wind turbine blade load calculation, design and certification still relay on 2D profile steady data: 2D

5 Roughness modelling Wilcox ω w roughness model.  Changes the turbulent kinetic dissipation rate at the wall, ω w as a function of friction velocity and the equivalent sand grain roughness height. The roughness model includes.  From hydrodynamic smooth surfaces to full rough flow condition (our case). The turbulence model is the SST k – ω. Computations are steady solution, no transient, therefore only calculate until small amount of separation, AOA < 8 deg.

6 Roughness modelling: S814 2D Grid Max t/c=24%. Distributed Roughness around LE, x/c=0.1. C type hexa 100.000 nodes.

7 Experimental Cl for the Clean and Rough S814 airfoil

8 Experimental Cd for the Clean and Rough S814 airfoil Cdw measurements -5<AOA<8 degRe=1.5x10^6

9 CFD-Experimental Cl Clean configuration More turbulence than the nominal 0.1% at the wind tunnel ?

10 CFD-Experimental Cl Rough configuration Roughness is different from tripping to fully turbulent

11 CFD-Experimental Cd Rough configuration

12 CFD-Experimental Cm Rough configuration

13 CFD-Experimental L/D Rough configuration There is not error compensation on L/D Roughness is more severe than tripping to fully turbulent

14 CFD-Experimental % Change in L/D Rough configuration Deterioration on Cl 15% - Cd 75% - Cm 15% - L/D 55%

15 Conclusions Transition gives reasonable results compare to Xfoil and the Experiment: BL tripping is not equivalent to add distributed Roughness : Roughness has a more damaging effect on Cl-Cd-Cm than a localized tripping. Indeed roughness can reduced up to 55% the L/D on wind turbine airfoils. Xfoil has shown not to be valid for predicting contamination roughness effects, only fully turbulent flows. CFD provides valuable qualitative and quantitative results on this respect: less than 10% error compare to experimental. Distributed LE roughness characteristic of field contamination has been simulated with CFD:


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