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October 7, 2011 Granite Hills English Dept ECAP - Year 3 - Day 1.

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1 October 7, 2011 Granite Hills English Dept ECAP - Year 3 - Day 1

2 Today’s Agenda ✤ Introductions - New High School Mentor Teachers Anne Foster & Jennifer Romanowski from West Hills High School ✤ Setting Context ✤ Scope and Sequence Overview ✤ Vertical Alignment - Work in grade level teams and vertical teams ✤ This year’s skill focus ✤ Assignment Sequence Editor

3 ✤ Presentation at California Educational Research Association ✤ Lots of Press related to improving remediation ✤ West Hills Pilot Study - Three year extension of study at Grossmont/Cuyamaca college ✤ Acceptance of EAP scores for placement at community colleges (including Grossmont & Cuyamaca) ✤ Pilot program to give “conditional admit status” to students who are close to “college ready” according to the EAP. The ERWC course is the senior English course that will satisfy the conditions of placement. ECAP Related News/Information from around the State

4 ✤ Implemented your first assignment sequence (The Drug that Pretends it Isn’t) and developed an additional assignment sequence ECAP at GHHS - Year 1 ✤ Bullying ✤ Domestic Violence ✤ Bad Sports ✤ Marijuana ✤ Reflected on practice in the online teaching journal

5 ✤ Refined existing sequences and developed at least one new assignment sequence. ✤ Reflected on implementation in the online teaching journal ECAP at GHHS - Year 2 ✤ Fall ✤ Friends ✤ Time to Look and Listen ✤ Binge Drinking ✤ Should We Clone Animals ✤ Spring ✤ 9th ✤ 10th ✤ 11th ✤ 12th

6 ECAP at GHHS - Year 3 ✤ Attend all four ECAP professional development days ✤ Begin creating Vertical Skills Grid (to be completed by the end of Year 4) ✤ Begin creating a department Scope and Sequence document (to be completed by the end of year 4 ✤ Develop one or two new sequences as needed. The goal is to implement four sequences per grade level, per year. ✤ Reflect on teaching practice in the online teaching journal ✤ Individual presentations at GUHSD ECAP symposium

7 ✤ 2 - 3 mentor teachers for support (1 college instructor & 1 high school) ✤ ECAP Granite Hills High School Wiki CalPASS Contribution

8 ✤ Sub coverage for the ECAP professional development days ✤ 10 hours of curriculum writing time per teacher. ✤ 10 hours of curriculum writing time for ONE assignment sequence editor. ✤ Sub pay for all professional development days. GUHSD Contribution

9 Granite Hills ECAP Calendar ✤ Four GHHS - ECAP Professional Development Days this year are: ✤ October 7, January 28, March 2, June 4 ✤ Other Deadlines ✤ Electronic Teaching Journal - December 13 (fall semester implementation) or April 15 (spring semester implementation) ✤ Fall Assignment Sequence on Wiki (February - New Fall Sequences) ✤ Spring Assignment Sequence on Wiki (May 11 - New Spring Sequences

10 ✤ March/April - All 11th Grade Students take the EAP (part of the CST) ✤ May 17 - English Symposium ✤ June 8 - Scope and Sequence Documents posted to the Wiki

11 Today’s Agenda ✤ Introductions - New High School Mentor Teachers Anne Foster & Jennifer Romanowski from West Hills High School ✤ Setting Context - Where we’ve been and where we are going this year ✤ Scope and Sequence ✤ Vertical Alignment Work ✤ This year’s skill focus ✤ Assignment Sequence Editor

12 Scope and Sequence ✤ This year, you will begin creating a Scope and Sequence... ✤ Document that identifies what assignment sequences and types have been developed and are being implemented at each grade level. ✤ These have been developed West Hills High School, Valhalla High School, and Santana High School. ✤ Examine the Scope and Sequence documents with the person sitting next to you. What do you notice about each separately and all together?

13 Vertical Skills Work - Grade Level Team Time

14 Vertical Skills Work - Vertical Team Time

15 Skill Focus for Fall/Spring Assignment Sequences

16 Next Time ✤ Next professional development day is January 27, 2012. Here at IR ✤ Bring an expository text that will allow you to teach the focus skill and however much of the Assignment Sequence you have started to develop at that point. ✤ Email us if you have any questions. ✤ Have a great semester. We’ll see you in January.

17 Questions?

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