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Charm quark in nuclear systems Strangeness and charm hadron Tokai, 3-7 Aug. 2015 S. Yasui Tokyo Tech.

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Presentation on theme: "Charm quark in nuclear systems Strangeness and charm hadron Tokai, 3-7 Aug. 2015 S. Yasui Tokyo Tech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charm quark in nuclear systems Strangeness and charm hadron physics@KEK Tokai, 3-7 Aug. 2015 S. Yasui Tokyo Tech.

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3 1. Hadron-nucleon interaction 1. Multi-flavor nucleus Nucleus + Strangeness 2. Hadron in medium 3. Nuclear structure

4 1. Hadron-nucleon interaction 1. Multi-flavor nucleus Nucleus + Charm 2. Hadron in medium 3. Nuclear structure Mass hierarchy (m c >>Λ QCD ) ~1.2 GeV ~0.2 MeV

5 Λ(uds) → Λ c (udc) 1. Multi-flavor nucleus StrangenessCharm H.Bando, “Flavor Nuclei”, PTP Suppl. 81, 197 (1985) Charm baryon Λ c (udc)

6 Λ(uds) → Λ c (udc) 1. Multi-flavor nucleus K(qs) → D(qc) StrangenessCharm Repulsive (Chiral symmetry) Attractive (Heavy-quark spin symmetry) No quark-antiquark annihilation in nuclear medium

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8 Nucleus D, D* q c Quark-meson coupling model, QCD sum rules, hadronic interactions (mean-field approach, channel coupling, pion interaction),... 1. Multi-flavor nucleus D (B) meson in nuclear systems Binding energy Dispersion relation Spectral function Reaction etc. Heavy quark spin

9 Contents 1. Multi-flavor nucleus 2. Heavy quark symmetry 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion 4. Application 2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion 5. Conclusion

10 2. Heavy quark symmetry Heavy quark spin in m Q →∞ is conserved. LO Manohar, Wise, Luke, Grinstein,... Heavy quark symmetry (HQS) 1/m Q expansion (positive energy state Q v with velocity v)

11 2. Heavy quark symmetry Heavy quark symmetry (HQS) Normal hadrons, exotic hadrons, hadronic molecules, exotic nuclei,... Naive picture in quark model HQS Heavy quark spin × Light quark and gluon total spin S Q =1/2 j Brown muck (Spin-complex) Total spin = j ± 1/2

12 2. Heavy quark symmetry HQS singlet (j=0) J + = 1/2 J + = j + 1/2 J - = j - 1/2 Hadron mass 1/m Q HQS doublet (j≠0) Heavy quark symmetry (HQS) Normal hadrons, exotic hadrons, hadronic molecules, exotic nuclei,... OR

13 π ρ K K* D D* B B* → HQS doublet 770 MeV 140 MeV 500 MeV 890 MeV 1870 MeV 2010 MeV 5280 MeV 5325 MeV 630 MeV390 MeV140 MeV 45 MeV Spin 1 Spin 0 2. Heavy quark symmetry

14 N Δ Σ Σ* ΣcΣc Σc*Σc* ΣbΣb Σb*Σb* 940 MeV 1230 MeV 1190 MeV 1385 MeV 2520 MeV 2455 MeV 5810 MeV 5830 MeV 290 MeV195 MeV65 MeV 20 MeV → HQS doublet Spin 1/2 Spin 3/2 2. Heavy quark symmetry Λ 1115 MeV ΛcΛc 2286 MeV ΛbΛb 5619 MeV → HQS singlet

15 Charm (bottom) exotic hadrons and nuclei HQS doublet!! Hadronic molecule (A=1) Nucleus (A: large) Nucleon D meson HQS doublet or singlet? Question c c

16 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Heavy hadron effective theory LO 1/m Q expansion in quark ⇄ 1/M expansion in hadron

17 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Qq H.Georgi, Phys. Lett. B240, 447 (1990) A.F.Falk, H.Georgi, B.Grinstein, Nucl. Phys. B343, 1 (1990) 1-1- 0-0- P*PP(*)P(*) or = D*DB*BQ=cQ=b same mass

18 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Qq H.Georgi, Phys. Lett. B240, 447 (1990) A.F.Falk, H.Georgi, B.Grinstein, Nucl. Phys. B343, 1 (1990) 0-0- 1-1-

19 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Qq H.Georgi, Phys. Lett. B240, 447 (1990) A.F.Falk, H.Georgi, B.Grinstein, Nucl. Phys. B343, 1 (1990) P(0 - ) P*(1 - ) π P(0 - ) π P*(1 - ) π kinetic terminteraction with pion HQS

20 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Qq Nucleon q Q q q q D ( * ) meson ← No quark-antiquark annihilation (very simple system!) Hadronic molecule HQS doublet or singlet? =P ( * ) π π

21 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Qq S-wave D-wave S-wave Tensor force and... (mixing of S-wave and D-wave, like in deuteron) π π S-wave π P(0 - )-P*(1 - ) mixing is important ! Hadronic molecule P P* P =P ( * ) N N N N  J P =1/2 - case Nucleon q Q q q q D ( * ) meson HQS doublet or singlet? Time π π

22 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion P(*)NP(*)N Mass CharmBottomm Q →∞ B*N BN D*N DN 0 MeV 142 MeV 0 MeV 46 MeV 0 MeV PN, P*N π exchange N P(*)P(*) Isospin 0

23 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion P(*)NP(*)N Mass CharmBottomm Q →∞ 3/2 - 1/2 - Predictions π exchange N P(*)P(*) Isospin 0 142 MeV 0 MeV 46 MeV 0 MeV

24 46 MeV 0 MeV 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Mass 1/2 - 3/2 - 1/2 - 3/2 - 1/2 - CharmBottomm Q →∞ P(*)NP(*)N Predictions HQS doublet D(*)ND(*)N B(*)NB(*)N π exchange N P(*)P(*) Isospin 0 J P =3/2 - : {PN( 2 D 3/2 ), P*N( 4 S 3/2 ), P*N( 4 D 3/2 ), P*N( 2 D 3/2 )} Feshbach resonance (Γ=18 MeV) 142 MeV 0 MeV

25 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion P ( * ) NN Mass 0-0- 1-1- 0-0- 1-1- CharmBottomm Q →∞ 1-0-1-0- Predictions HQS doublet D ( * ) NN B ( * ) NN Argonne v 8 ’ pot. (with tensor force) AV8’ π π N N P(*)P(*) Isospin 1/2 142 MeV 0 MeV 46 MeV 0 MeV

26 3. Application 1: Leading order in 1/m Q expansion P ( * ) in nuclear matter P ( * ) meson P(*)P(*) P(*)P(*) P(*)P(*) NN -1 π π in-medium mass of P ( * ) in nuclear matter HQS doublet Cf. HQS singlet in “pion condensate” (Suenaga, He, Ma, Harada, PRC89, 068201 (2014)) Mass(P)=Mass(P*)

27 1/m Q expansion LONLO+ 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion

28 Heavy hadron mass “parametrization” 1/m Q expansion at NLO Color electric gluon Color magnetic gluon 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion NLO in 1/m Q expansion M.Neubert, Phys. Lett. B322, 419 (1994) 1/m Q Q gluon (magnetic) spin-flip ρ: nuclear matter density Coupling to magnetic gluon at 1/m Q “Non-perturbative” gluon

29 Can we calculate hadron state in nuclear medium from QCD? 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Very difficult, but…

30 Heavy hadron effective theory LO + NLO 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion 1/m Q expansion in quark ⇄ 1/M expansion in hadron Question: what is NLO?

31 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Question: what is NLO? 1. Heavy quark symmetry is conserved at O(1). 2. Inv. under velocity rearrangement at O(1)+O(1/M). v → w = v + q/M ( q/M << 1 ) = How to construct effective Lagrangian? Luke, Manohar, PLB286, 348 (1992), Kitazawa, Kurimoto, PLB323, 65 (1994) v w = v - q/M H v (x) v-frame w-frame H w (x) “Velocity rearrangement” : Lorentz boost between v-frame and w-frame up to O(1/M) Heavy quark Light quark

32 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion 2. Inv. under velocity rearrangement at O(1)+O(1/M). 3. Heavy quark symmetry breaking terms at O(1/M). v → w = v + q/M ( q/M << 1 ) = ≠ 1. Heavy quark symmetry is conserved at O(1). Heavy quark Light quark How to construct effective Lagrangian?

33 Kitazawa, Kurimoto, PLB323, 65 (1994) 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Heavy meson effective theory with 1/M corrections spin-flip (1/M) LO: g NLO: g/M, g 1 /M, g 2 /M, λ/M Some terms are constrained by invariance under velocity rearrangement. “Covariant” field for velocity-rearrangement

34 P ( * ) in nuclear matterBreaking of HQS 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion P(*)P(*) P(*)P(*) P(*)P(*) g P*P*π = g + (g 1 + g 2 )/M ≠ g P*Pπ = g + (g 1 - g 2 )/M M P* = M-2 λ /M ≠ M P = M+6 λ /M particle-hole NN -1 π π

35 “Color electric gluon enhanced” “Color magnetic gluon suppressed” 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion vacuum normal nuclear matter λ 1 (ρ) λ 2 (ρ,m c ) λ 2 (ρ,m b )

36 4. Appl.2: Next-to-Leading order in 1/m Q expansion Nucleus D, D* q c Heavy quark spin Probe gluon fields

37 5. Conclusion 1. We discuss heavy quark symmetry (HQS) at LO in 1/m Q expansion. 2. HQS gives doublet/singlet in mass spectrum in exotic heavy hadrons and nuclei. 4. Toward experiments at J-PARC, GSI-FAIR !! 3. Mass modifications and splitting of D and D* mesons are concerned with gluon in medium.

38 5. Conclusion Many open problems... - Relation to other fundamental aspects of QCD ? (Dynamical breaking of chiral symmetry, Quark Confinement,...) - Hadron-nucleon interaction ? Many-body physics ? (Pion exchange, Mean field approximation, Symmetry restoration,...) - What about atomic nucleus with charm ? - Lattice QCD: what QCD says about charm nucleus ? - Production cross sections of charm nucleus ? - etc.


40 Unitary transformation HQS doublet 4. Application to heavy-quark nuclear systems π exchange N P(*)P(*) 1/2 - is degenerate with 3/2 -. J P =1/2 -, 3/2 - {P ( * ) N( 2S+1 L J )} J P =1/2 - : {PN( 2 S 1/2 ), P*N( 2 S 1/2 ), P*N( 4 D 1/2 )} J P =3/2 - : {PN( 2 D 3/2 ), P*N( 4 S 3/2 ), P*N( 4 D 3/2 ), P*N( 2 D 3/2 )} K L : kinetic term (a.m. L) C: central potential T: tensor potential

41 Charm (bottom) exotic hadrons and nuclei Question Qqq HHHN 2n+1 HN 2n doublet singlet doublet singlet doublet singlet doublet Qq D, D* Σ c, Σ c * ΛcΛc ?

42 P* P P P 123 + = P ( * ) in nuclear matter π π particle- hole NN -1 * There is no PPπ vertex. A i ~ε ijk V j V k 4. Application to heavy-quark nuclear systems HQS doublet Cf. HQS singlet in “pion condensate” (Suenaga, He, Ma, Harada, Phys. Rev. C89, 068201 (2014)) M(P*)=M(P) P* meson P meson

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