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AP EURO Unit #6 – Early 20 th Century (The World Wars) Lesson #604 Russian Revolution.

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1 AP EURO Unit #6 – Early 20 th Century (The World Wars) Lesson #604 Russian Revolution

2 Essential Questions 13.

3 The war ended strangely Armistice began on Nov 11 at 11am Germans desperate for an end to the madness

4 Paris Peace Conference Started January, 1919 in Paris 27 nations sent representatives – Germany and Austria not allowed to attend – Russia was not invited – (Lenin’s government not seen as legitimate) Negotiations lasted five months Run by “the Big Four” – Britain – France – Italy – United States


6 Goal of each nation was different United States: Peace without victors; self determination France: Punish Germany and weaken them Britain: Protect their empire (mostly colonies) Italy: Get land from Austria

7 Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” Eliminate the cause of war Promote free trade and freedom of seas disarmament for everyone Why would France have a problem with this? self-determination of colonies and empires Why would David Lloyd George have problem with this? a League of Nations

8 France Punish Germany Take some of their land Force them to pay damages Weaken them Be sure they had no ability to attack again Keep France strong to defend, just in case How will this clash with Wilson’s plan?

9 Britain Protect their empire How will this clash with Wilson’s plan?

10 The compromise: Wilson was willing to concede on all his principles, as long as… There would be a LEAGUE OF NATIONS Which would constantly monitor the rise of one power, and talk through conflicts All nations would join All nations would have to agree to agree with the findings of the League of Nations Of course, USA never joined…

11 What was the agreement? 1.Germany was to be reduced in size –Surrender the Alsace and Lorraine –Allow for the Danzig Corridor 2.German military was to be shrunk to almost non- existent –100,000 men total –Modern equipment forbidden (plans, subs, tanks, artillery) –Rhineland demilitarized 3.Germany was to pay reparations –Damages for war –France and Britain had HUGE debts to USA from loans –$5 billion/ year – re-evaluated in 1921 –Number set in 1921 to $30 billion –Finally paid off in 1915 4.Germany was to accept full blame – total humiliation –“war guilt clause” –Germans were to accept full responsibility for starting and perpetuating war –Germans were not allowed to negotiate

12 Nobody liked it Why would the French hate it? Why would the British not really plan to support France? Why would USA grow disinterested? Why would Russia complain? Ottoman Empire broken into “mandates” Austrian Empire broken into new nations based on nationalities Russia lost most of land signed away in Treaty of Brest-Litovsk



15 Next tragedy… Spanish Flu (1918-1920) 1 in four American soldiers had the influenza, carried to Europe Spread FAST 500 million people infected world wide (about 1/3) Estimates are as low as 20 million As high as 50 – 100,000,000 killed by the flu (5% of world’s population dead) About 10-20% mortality rate (normal flu killed.1%)

16 Oddities to Spanish Flu killed mostly healthy adults (not children and elderly, like normal flu) majority 20-40 years old only 1% over 65 The best guess: focused on immune system – ravaged the healthy – healthy immune system spread disease faster 25-75% pregnant women infected 25% lost their babies Hit in summer and autumn months

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