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Understanding Power Is Critical to Understanding World Politics  Understand what is meant by balance of power and identify key types of balance that.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Power Is Critical to Understanding World Politics  Understand what is meant by balance of power and identify key types of balance that."— Presentation transcript:


2 Understanding Power Is Critical to Understanding World Politics  Understand what is meant by balance of power and identify key types of balance that may exist in the international system.  Understand the concept of collective security and its prospects for securing peace in the international system.

3 What Is Power, and How Is It Measured?  Define power, focusing on both hard and soft forms; understand the dynamics of power that make defining power a difficult task.

4 The Nature of Power  Power’s Hard Profile  The Soft Side of Power

5 Dynamics of Power  Differing Forms of Influence  Power Is Shaped by Perceptions  Power Is Dynamic and Changing  Power Is Relative  Power Is Situational

6 What Are the Major Elements of Power?  Understand the difference between objective and subjective elements of power.  Be able to describe each of the key objective and subjective power capabilities possessed by states.

7 Objective (Tangible) Sources of Power  Military Capacity  National Infrastructure and Level of Economic Development  Geography  Natural Resources

8 Figure 3.1: World Military Spending: 2007

9 Figure 3.2: Gross National Income Per Capita Map

10 Figure 3.3: Petroleum Imports by Country: 2005

11 Figure 3.4: Population: 2007

12 Figure 3.5: Population Growth Rate

13 Figure 3.6: Global AIDS Epidemic Impacts Different Regions of the World: 2006

14 Subjective Power Factors  National Culture  National Morale  Quality of Government and Political Stability  Quality of Foreign Relations  Diplomacy  Intelligence

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