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UNIT 4. How did the cotton gin bring about a revolution in GA agriculture?  a.The cotton gin made slave labor a thing of the past.  b.The cotton gin.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 4. How did the cotton gin bring about a revolution in GA agriculture?  a.The cotton gin made slave labor a thing of the past.  b.The cotton gin."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 4

2 How did the cotton gin bring about a revolution in GA agriculture?  a.The cotton gin made slave labor a thing of the past.  b.The cotton gin made the production of cotton slow down.  c.The cotton gin made it possible to grow and process cotton far into the State’s interior.  d.All of the above are true about the cotton gin.

3  The cotton gin made it possible to grow and process cotton far into the State’s interior.

4 Which of the following was NOT a reason for Georgia’s antebellum prosperity?  a.the growing of peanuts  b.the development of the railroads  c.the building of industries near the fall line  d.plantation system based on slave labor

5  the growing of peanuts

6 Southern Baptist and Methodist churches broke away from their northern counterparts over the issue of  a.allowing blacks in the church.  b.religious doctrine.  c.slavery.  d.All of the above

7  slavery.

8 The two factors that were the MOST responsible for Georgia’s growth were  a.railroad and education  b.steamboat and railroad  c.cotton and slavery  and cotton

9  cotton and slavery

10 Which of the following was NOT true of the North in the 1800’s?  a.rural  b.natural harbors  c.industrial

11  rural

12 What compromise kept the balance of power between slave states and free states in the national government?  a.Missouri Compromise  b.Compromise of 1850  c.Georgia Platform  d.Nebraska Act

13  Missouri Compromise

14 How did Georgia respond the Compromise of 1850?  a.Georgia refused to recognize the Compromise of 1850.  b.Georgia’s Governor called for a state convention to discuss the Compromise of 1850 & succession.  c.Georgia voters were given the power to vote on the Compromise of 1850.

15  Georgia’s Governor called for a state convention to discuss the Compromise of 1850 & succession.

16 Which of the following describes the policy known as the “Georgia Platform”?  a.Georgia would offer a vote on slavery to the voters.  b.Georgia would succeed from the Union over the Compromise of 1850.  c.Georgia would abide by the Compromise of 1850 as long as the North did as well.  d.None of the above.

17  Georgia would abide by the Compromise of 1850 as long as the North did as well.

18 Which of the following was NOT a factor that encouraged economic growth in Georgia?  a.Invention of the Cotton Gin  b.The canal system  c.The plantation system  d.The railroad system  e.Fall line industries

19  The canal system

20 Which of the following was NOT true of the South in the 1800’s?  a.agricultural  b.warm climate and fertile top soil  c.plantation system based on slave labor  d.people were dependent on others for their needs

21  people were dependent on others for their needs

22 Which of the following is NOT an example as to how the rail lines affected Georgia’s Piedmont region?  a.Using the rail lines extended cotton growth into the Piedmont.  b.Using the rail lines took away the need for factories.  c.Using the rail lines made transportation of cotton faster and more reliable.  d.Using the rail lines gave planters additional options for shipping cotton.

23  Using the rail lines took away the need for factories.

24 What did the Supreme Court decide in the Dred Scott case?  a.Dred Scott was a slave and did not have the right to sue in federal court.  b.Congress could not place a ban on slavery in American Territories.  c.Both A & B are true.  d.None of the above is true.

25  Both A & B are true.

26 The geography of Georgia’s Fall Line region attracted cotton planters because of the climate, soil, and how the area created favorable conditions for industry.

27  True

28 As the production of cotton increased, the need for slaves decreased.

29  False

30 For the North and South to have equal power in the national government, there had to be an equal number of free and slave states in Congress.

31  True

32 The territory of Kansas was given the name of “Bleeding Kansas” after abolitionists and slave owners rushed to the area and fought each other for control.

33  True

34 Popular Sovereignty

35  Compromise of 1850

36 Maine admitted as a free state

37  Missouri Compromise

38 California admitted as a free state

39  Compromise of 1850

40 Free states required to return escaped slaves (Fugitive Slave Act)

41  Compromise of 1850

42 No More slavery allowed north of latitude 36’ 30’

43  Missouri Compromise

44 Believed the U.S. Constitution was a compact made by independent states who could withdraw voluntarily from the Union.

45  South

46 Favored high tariffs to protect American Industries and make British goods more expensive.

47  North

48 Wanted land in western territories distributed quickly and cheaply so it could be used as large scale agricultural plantations.

49  South

50 Rejected the concept of nullification (picking and choosing what laws to follow), arguing that U.S. laws should be followed BY ALL STATES.

51  North

52 Needed low tariffs in order to cheaply buy goods from other countries.

53  South

54 Time period before the Civil War in the South

55  Antebellum

56 Putting the interests of a region above the nation

57  Sectionalism

58 The action of withdrawing from the Union

59  Secession

60 People in a territory could vote on where their new state would be a slave or a free state.

61  Popular Sovereignity

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