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1/22#/24 2010. 5. 10 Post Enumeration Survey for Population Census Jaewon Lee Statistical Research Institute Statistics Korea.

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1 1/22#/24 2010. 5. 10 Post Enumeration Survey for Population Census Jaewon Lee Statistical Research Institute Statistics Korea

2 2/12  PES has been conducted on every 5 years  PES period : 12. 1. ~ 8. (8 days) - Census period : November 1. ~ 15.  Sample size : 730 enumeration areas - 0.27% of total enumeration areas  No. of questions : 15 questions  Data collection method : Face to face interview Outline of the 2005 PES

3 3/12  to estimate coverage errors of the population census  to evaluate the quality of answers by measuring levels of agreements between census and PES answers  to improve planning and operations of the census by characterizing missed and erroneously included individuals  to produce information for population, households projection Objectives of PES

4 4/12 Organizational structure PES Vital Statistics Div.Population Census Div. Local OfficeLocal Government Census Planning Field Management * Trends Analysis Div. in the Statistical Research Institute (2010)

5 5/12  Enumerators of PES : Well- trained field staff in the local office of Statistics Korea (730 people)  Enumerators of the Census : temporary hired people during census-taking periods (105,000 people)  Benefits of using field staff in the local office  Extensive experience in field survey  Produce high quality survey data  Criteria for selection : experience in data collection for household survey Recruiting for enumerators

6 6/12  Sample size : 0.27% (730 enumeration areas)  60 households per one enumeration area  Sample size of provinces were allocated using standard errors in 2000 PES and compromise allocation methods  Sampling frame : list of census enumeration areas  Sampling methods  Stratified by the type of enumeration area  Proportionate probability sampling within a stratified list of census enumeration area  Analysis domains : national and province Sampling design

7 7/12  Census Dependent re-enumeration (single system)  Information provided to PES enumerators Census map Household list Basic information for household members : name, gender, age, marital status, relationship to the head of the household  Enumerators duties Identify/probe all households in an EA boundary Face to face interview Persuade interview refusals Field Work

8 8/12 Questions for PES  Question for individuals  Name, gender, age, marital status, relationship to the head of the households  Date moved to the current address, type of individuals (non- mover, in-mover, out-mover, erroneously included, omitted), reason for omission, reason for erroneous inclusion, previous address of in-mover  Question for households  Types of household, reason for omission, reason for erroneous inclusion, house types

9 9/12 Coverage errors in PES 199520002005 Net coverage error (%)1.251.560.90 Omission rates(%)3.063.302.39 Erroneous inclusion rates (%) 1.811.741.49 Gross coverage error4.875.043.88

10 10/12 Use of PES results  Adjust the base population of the population projection by coverage errors  Adjust the base household numbers for the households projection  Improve future census planning and operations  Evaluate census coverage errors  Evaluate quality of answers  Census figures were not adjusted by PES results

11 11/12 General directions for 2010 PES  Expand sample size from 730 EAs to 3,000 EAs  Estimate coverage errors to the city and county level (nation, province, city/county)  Intensify independence of PES from the census  Produce information to evaluate the registered population

12 12/12 Thank You

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