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Vocabulary of the Myth. Myth: a traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious, and usually explains a belief, a ritual,

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary of the Myth. Myth: a traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious, and usually explains a belief, a ritual,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary of the Myth

2 Myth: a traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious, and usually explains a belief, a ritual, or a mysterious natural phenomenon. Ask students if they are familiar with any myths. Epic: a long story usually told in poetic verse, which relates the great deeds of a larger than life hero who embodies the values of a particular society.

3 Epic Hero: The larger than life hero of the epic who embodies the values of a particular society. Most epic heroes undertake some sort of quest to achieve something of tremendous value to themselves or their people. Alter Ego: a reflection of a hero’s best and worst qualities. In The Odyssey, Poseidon, god of the sea and Odysseus’s enemy, portrays some of the poor qualities of Odysseus such as arrogance.

4 Internal Conflict: when a character struggles with a problem within them such as a character flaw or guilt. A person who is addicted to gambling would have an internal conflict. External Conflict: when a character struggles with a problem caused by some outside force. This could be an enemy, a monster, nature, or society. In Medias Res: “in the middle” when the story starts not at the beginning but in the middle

5 Polytheism: Worshipping many Gods at once in a pantheon Monotheism: Worshiping only one God Oral Tradition: A story that was originally told aloud before it was written down Invocation: calling on a spirit, muse etc. for inspiration

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