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Developing a Catering Service Specification What you really need to do Jeremy Boardman MIH Head of School Food Southwark Primary Schools February 3 rd.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Catering Service Specification What you really need to do Jeremy Boardman MIH Head of School Food Southwark Primary Schools February 3 rd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Catering Service Specification What you really need to do Jeremy Boardman MIH Head of School Food Southwark Primary Schools February 3 rd 2014

2 Aims for today The aim of this presentation is to provide you with basic information to : Understand the need for a robust School Catering Specification Develop an approach to producing the above Consider the options available for service delivery Take the next steps Arrange a further meeting to discuss the way forward for Southwark Primary Schools.

3 Key Influencer - School School is the most powerful of the influencers The head teacher needs a vision, which: includes all stakeholders within the school - teachers, governors, catering staff, lunchtime assistants, school councils focuses on the importance of the dining experience for socialising and learning, as well as for pupils’ health recognises the impact of the dining experience Where the importance of school meal provision is high – take up increases

4 Developing the Specification Defining the requirementCreating the business plan Forming the vision Developing the policies Writing the specification

5 Positioning school meals as a vital part of the overall whole school approach to healthy eating identifying pupils (and parents and carers) as customers when it comes to lunchtime involving customers in decision-making recognising the value of school dining as an important chance for pupils to socialise serving healthy food that tastes good recognising that the overall dining experience determines customer choices The Vision and Policy

6 Look Reviewing your Environment and Service Listen Involve Include Measure

7 Catering Service Options Which option is right for your school? Quick Guide to reviewing your catering service: your-catering-service

8 Consult with a range of people within your school community about the service and the improvements they would like to see Speak to your current service provider. They may be able to meet your specifications Speaking to various service providers about what they offer Visiting schools that use delivery options which differ from your own. Ask them about the advantages and challenges and for data and information to help you make an informed judgement. Reviewing your service

9 Method of provision? IN-HOUSE – CONTRACTED OUT Areas to consider:Tender Routes StaffOJEU: ProcurementLengthy/Complicated/Expensive Invoice paymentIncreases potential number of tenderers Cash CollectionCatering Service Frame work: MenusShorter/Simple/Cheaper EquipmentReduces tenderers to a manageable number Environment Health and Safety/Legal Decision Time!

10 For further information please contact: Jeremy Boardman Head of School Food Direct line: 0114 299 6941 Mobile: 07966 508833 E:

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