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Published byDylan Ira Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
Welcome Mentor Briefing for BA (Hons) Primary Education Second School Experience – SE2 – 2015
Aims To be aware of expectations of student teachers engaged in their second school experience To be aware of the mentor support required To become familiar with documentation for SE2
Becoming a teacher- Professional Studies module Key LOs for the module – student teachers are expected to: Demonstrate an understanding and application of key principles and theories which underpin good practice Demonstrate an ability to plan and implement learning opportunities for progression, personalise the learning experience according to individual need, and make increasingly informed assessment judgements on which to base future planning. Demonstrate sustained progress towards meeting the current standards for the award of QTS, showing and increasing ability to reflect upon and evaluate their own practice.
The student teacher as a learner Reflecting on the content of University taught modules Structure of placements Preparation days Planning for the block SE readiness Commitment to their own development and CPD UniversityClass teacher The student teacher as a learner Mentor The teacher of the future
Key features of SE2 Second undergraduate placement. In the main five week block student teachers move to 70% timetable, aiming to be the developing class teacher. Five preparation days, a five day block in February and March and the main five week block in March- April. Written feedback on teaching activities during the five day block and at least five formal appraisals in the main block. There should be an additional early reading appraisal ( either phonics or guided reading) Triangulation meeting and report (student teacher, class teacher and mentor reviewing the placement and producing summative reports, overall grading and targets for SE3 ).
Key Dates See front of SE2 handbook 5 preparation days in February /March 1 week ( 5 day) preparation block in March Main 5 week block 14 th March – 29 th April ( excluding Easter) Interim report Thursday 24 th March Detailed Expectations in handbook: FS Section 1 KS1 / 2 Section 2
Preparation Days Familiarising with school polices and routines, including the school behaviour policy Getting to know children and staff Finding out about prior learning Preparing planning for the main block Observing and teaching alongside the class teacher Taking increasing solo responsibilities for the class School Based Task See Handbook
Key features of the main block In the main block, student teachers move from 50% to 70% timetable by week 4 & 5, aiming to take on the role of the class teacher as far as possible. Five x weekly appraisals with mentor There should be an additional early reading appraisal (either phonics or guided reading) if possible.
Main block 50% teaching to start, working up to 70% by week 4 & 5. A minimum of 10% PPA and 20% PD time ( please refer to SE2 handbook for a chart outlining the teaching responsibility) Developing as the class teacher. Reflective Increasingly autonomous Demonstrating increasing competence in the classroom
One week preparation block An opportunity for student teachers to do some whole class teaching and receive constructive feedback. Planning for and teaching at least one session per day of whole class teaching/ responsibility Further observation of and teaching alongside the class teacher. Planning: Overview of the five week block Please check this at the end of the one week block. Session plan and evaluation for every taught session ( does NOT need to be YSJ pro forma)
Important elements for 2015 Grading against individual Teachers’ Standards now part of the weekly meeting to inform FORMATIVE judgments and also informs summative judgements at the end of the placement. Early check against targets set in SE2. These should be met by the end of week 2 where possible, and intervention strategies put in place if necessary. Early use of ‘Requiring Improvement Action Plan’ pro forma for students achieving grade 3
Important elements for 2015-2016 No summative judgments made for appraisals Target for 100% outstanding or good and therefore early use of ‘Requiring improvement : action plan’ pro forma for students achieving below potential.
Documentation Guidance for all SE’s Handbook General guidance for all SEs SE2 Handbook Specific and detailed guidance for SE2 The “Detailed Expectations” section is the key Appraisal documents within the Appraisal handbook All the necessary forms for mentors for appraisals Planning and Assessment Guidance Planning documents for student teachers Additional documents (updates) Attendance record NASBTT Assessment toolkit Requiring improvement : action plan Available electronically and in hard copy by request.
Getting ready for SE2 The student teacher using the preparation days well...... Knowledge of the children? Do they know all their names? Do they know about their learning? Observing the class teacher. Consider how they manage/ organise the following.... Classroom management and organisation Behaviour? Assessment? Record keeping?
Getting ready for SE2 Has the student teacher…. 1. Prepared their four teaching files Teaching file ( ‘handbag/manbag’) Planning archive and context file ( filing cabinet) Standards file ( all about you) Monitoring and assessment file ( all about them) 2. Checked back on their targets from SE1 3. Contacted their school and mentor( school based or external)
School Experience files See pages 7-10 of the Guidance for all school experiences handbook Well kept files are part of the requirements for passing SE2 Four files: 1. Teaching file Everything needed for one week in the classroom 2. Planning and archive file Long and medium term plans, schemes of work etc. Overviews where appropriate Archive of lesson planning 3. Standards file Student profile document NASBTT Guidance on the grade descriptors for the Teachers’ Standards ( 2012) School based tasks 4. Monitoring and Assessment File Assessment records Samples gathered under headings to support their developing understanding of the monitoring and assessment process.
Ready to start?? Mentor Attended briefing Clear about expectations of placement Knowledge of the student teacher’s strengths and targets Induction planned Checked planning ready Student teacher Contact made with mentor Planning in place Files prepared Knowledge of the setting Knowledge of the children
Key questions for SE2 student teachers…. When am I going to teach? What am I going to teach? Who am I going to teach? How am I going to teach?
KS1 / KS2 What am I going to teach? School medium term plan QCA unit / other scheme? What is the class teacher going to cover? Children’s prior learning? What can I realistically cover in SE2? What can I realistically fit into the sessions I am going to teach?
Who will I teach? How am I going to teach? Resource availability Space [ICT suite / hall availability etc.?] Other adults [ use of outdoor environment?] Specialist / additional support available?
The mentor role Support Planning, teaching and assessment Classroom management Professional development and wider involvement in the school For completion of school based tasks Appraise Lessons Professional performance and characteristics Files
Medium term planning Student teachers may use school medium term planning pro forma / structures as long as these include all the elements identified on the University medium term pro forma: - Number of weeks / sessions. - Length of sessions. - Learning objectives. - Success criteria (steps to learning). - Curriculum 2014 reference. - Teaching and learning activities. - Resource implications. -Assessment opportunities. Medium term planning may take a variety of forms such as thematic, skills based or ‘creative curriculum’ planning.
Students may devise their own format for planning but must ensure they pay particular attention to the impact of their teaching on pupil progress. Student teachers should evaluate each lesson taught making particular reference to the impact of their teaching on pupil progress. This information should inform their weekly reflections and subsequent target setting.
Lesson Planning There is no longer a need to use the YSJ session plan pro forma (unless student teachers choose to do so). The blank and completed assessment pro forma to be found on Moodle and on the York St John website are offered as both guidance and tools to work with. They are not examples of ‘this is the way to do it’. Student teachers may use the planning format used by the setting (this is particularly relevant in EYFS) Students will need to complete a session plan for every individual lesson they will teach. Not only will this ensure they are clear about the content and structure of the lesson, but it will help provide evidence against some of the Teacher’s Standards.
Planning Key features of effective planning: Key learning objectives referenced to NC/ELGs etc. Success criteria Assessment plans Use of other adults [if appropriate] Activity/differentiation/special considerations Resources Vocabulary Brief outline of session including key questions as appropriate Evaluation of learning and teaching/next steps Expected timings Reminder... no need to use YSJ pro forma
Planning The overriding principle is that teaching should only be undertaken by student teachers based on clear and prior planning. Student teachers must prepare medium term plans in advance and session plans for every taught session. Preparation period– overview for the block and session plans for every taught session in the 1 week block. YSJU proformas do not need to be used. Please refer to the planning and assessment guidance document. Medium term planning for the main block must be approved by mentors by Friday 11 th March. If planning has not been approved, the student teacher must NOT start SE2 and the SE Director must be informed.
Monitoring and Assessment Student teachers must begin to develop their understanding and practice in this area. During SE2 they should Start with the basics provided by YSJU; Become familiar with various ways of assessing and recording children's progress. Use any assessment information formatively to adjust and adapt future teaching. Record their assessment of children’s learning from every taught session.
The cycle of development ….. Observation and appraisal Formative feedback and support for reflection Making summative judgements Ensuring development Targets and next steps
Judgments and target setting Lesson appraisal = FORMATIVE judgments Summative judgments: weekly, interim, final (looking at all the supporting evidence ) Judgments made against individual Teachers’ Standards (at this point in the student teacher’s development) The student teacher should record the evidence of the progress from this lesson made towards meeting the Teacher’s Standards in their profile document, referring to NASBTT guidance document.
Using evidence When making judgements, the full range of evidence should be utilised, including planning, discussions with student teachers and pupils, pupils’ responses in lessons and in their work books, the quality and impact of student teachers’ marking and feedback, student teachers’ assessment and planning records and evidence of their own and their pupils’ progress and learning over time.
Making judgments All judgments should be made in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and NOT individual lessons Evidence in the following areas should be taken into account : 1.Consistently competent teaching 2. Impact on pupil learning and progress 3. Evidence in files ( including tracking and recording pupil progress) 4. Reflection and self -evaluation
Process Formative grading against the Teachers Standards ( weekly) Indicative summative judgment at the interim ( midpoint) of the placement Final summative judgment at end point of the placement
Weekly reflective learning journal and the record of weekly meetings Please try to arrange a regular weekly meeting with the student teacher Consider Friday or Monday so that the RLJ can be read, discussed and acted on in the following week The questions should be given to the mentor in advance of the meeting Mentors need to decide whether they are happy with an electronic copy and if so, when? Lay your ground rules about communication outside school
Weekly reflective learning journal and the record of weekly meetings Pages 2 and 3 of the RLJ should be completed by the mentor and student teacher through discussion during their weekly meeting. It should be informed by lesson evaluations, and by an overview of the whole week. Student teachers should be demonstrating sustained competence During the weekly meeting the reflective learning journal should be used to help identify targets for the forthcoming week.
1.Summarise and review your progress towards your targets from last week. 2. Summarise this week’s teaching. What evidence exemplifies the quality of your teaching and your impact on pupil learning and progress? 3. What evidence demonstrates your awareness and analysis of your own professional development needs? 4. Identify a lesson, activity, interaction or observation that has had a significant impact on you or your pupils. Explain the significance of this.
5. Identify your key objectives / targets/actions for the next week. Consider what needs to be learnt, understood or developed during the forthcoming week. 6. Outline any specific actions that may need to be taken. Mentor comments /suggestions See paper copies for grading
Reflective trainees Reflective student teachers consider their own practice and children’s learning, evidenced by their: Lesson evaluations Reflective discussions following appraisals Reflective learning journals Monitoring and Assessment File Highlighted grading guidance
Greater focus on the student teachers’ weekly reflective learning journal and the record of weekly meetings The first page is to be completed by the student teacher in preparation for the weekly meeting with the mentor and should be given to the mentor in advance. The mentor should arrange a time to meet with the student teacher on a weekly basis. Page 2 should be completed by the mentor and student teacher through discussion during their weekly meeting. It should be informed by lesson evaluations, and by feedback from previous observations and appraisals. During the weekly meeting the reflective learning journal should be used to help identify targets for the forthcoming week.
Weekly reflective learning journal and record of weekly meeting The student teacher should : Reflect on their progress and identify key strengths and aspects for development. Ensure they are informed by lesson evaluations and appraisal outcomes. Recognise significant events or developments Identify targets and actions that need to be taken. The mentor should: Read the weekly reflective journal and discuss with the student teacher.Check they are informed by lesson evaluations and appraisal outcomes. Discuss targets and progress towards meeting these. Discuss professional development. Check planning.
Appraisals Observations and feedback in the preparation period and 5 appraisals in the main block. One additional appraisal of reading – phonics or developing reading Use of YSJU appraisal pro forma including: subject checklists – MFL, Maths, Literacy, Reading. Formative use with highlighting of graded characteristics (Outstanding=O, Good =G, Requires improvement to become good= RI, Below standard= BS Interim report midway through 5 week block. Use of STASS.
Appraisals EYFS appraisal document comes into line with the KS1/2 appraisal document Individual appraisals should not be graded Opportunity to comment on part 2 of the Teachers Standards
Post appraisal reflections and target setting. 1.Key indicator – impact on pupil learning and progress (this will inform the summative judgement) 2.Formative judgments made against individual Teachers’ Standards (at this point in the student teacher’s development – remember they are only half way through their programme) 3.The student teacher should record the evidence of the progress from this lesson made towards meeting the Teacher’s Standards in their profile document, referring to NASBTT assessment toolkit 4.Provision made for comments on Part 2 of the Teacher's standards
Formative feedback All appraisals should result in: constructive, formative feedback; subject specific feedback target setting related to the teachers standards supporting the student teachers within the weekly meeting in understanding how to improve e.g. from RI (Requires improvement to become good) to G (Good) and G to O (Outstanding).
Summative Judgements Summative judgements are made at the end of the placement and are an assessment of their final level of competence at this stage in their programme. This involves a triangulation meeting to discuss final reports
The NASBTT Assessment toolkit
Triangulation Mentor, class teacher and student teacher. This should be done with rather than to the student teacher Final report/summative comments from each Final signing off of standards Target setting for SE3 placement
Placement Grading Grades of A= Outstanding, B = Good, C = Requires improvement to become good and D = below standard. All grades are appropriate to the stage of the student teachers' training i.e. a student can be outstanding on SE1, SE2 and SE3. A = Standards met with an outstanding grade, appropriate to the stage of the students’ course. B = Standards met with a good grade C = Standards met D = Below Standard
Recording evidence On-going recording of progress Completing the Student’s Profile to show evidence and progress towards meeting the individual Teachers’ Standards Weekly recording of appraisals Completion of appraisal pro forma and post appraisal reflective discussion. Completing record of progress and reading weekly reflective learning journal. Interim reports and link tutor visits Submission of reports via STASS. Communication with link tutor including moderation visit. Final summative judgements Triangulation meeting
Recording end of placement judgements Final summative judgements Your mentor will make a final summative judgement indicating outstanding, good or requires improvement to become good. They will include formative comments, specific targets for next SE and identify standards still to be met. Triangulation meeting Usually after final appraisal. Includes: * mentor overview * class teacher overview * student teacher overview * targets for next SE
Dealing with problems Clear procedures in the Dealing with Placement Problems ’ handbook Most problems are small and can be solved quickly at school level. Anything bigger or longer term MUST involve YSJU at an early stage. Link tutor is the first port of call or SE2 Director if it’s urgent/major. We need to use correct procedures to hopefully solve problems and to be fair and transparent if problems are not resolved. Students heading for a C grade( requires improvement to become good) or below will need additional targets in place using the YSJ Requiring improvemen : action plan proforma The same applies if mentors feel that any students are not achieving their potential
Students causing concern or ‘requiring improvement to become good’ will need a ‘requiring improvement action plan Students causing concern or ‘requiring improvement to become good’ will need a ‘requiring improvement action plan’ In such circumstances the University Link Tutor should be contacted This is a two level process which should be instigated if the student teacher is: Level 1: Requiring improvement in order to become at least ‘good’ or better Level 2: Requiring improvement in order to successfully complete the placement i.e. achieving ‘below standard’ and /or causing concern.
‘Requiring improvement : Action plan’ An action plan will be agreed with clear targets and deadlines. intervention log sheet ‘summary of interventions’ An action plan to be completed by the student teacher and the link tutor
Passing the placement Student teachers are able to pass this placement with ‘requires improvement to become good’ but will need to draw up an action plan for SE3 if this is the case. They should share their progress with their academic tutor and remember to seek advice early if they have any concerns or problems. Please remember they are only half way through their programme !
Finally – things to keep a particular eye on Consistency and improvements in: Appraisal grades and responses to advice Wider professional characteristics and engagement in the placement Planning, evaluation and assessment cycles focussed on children's learning Assessment records focussed on children's learning Reflective learning journals – weekly Overall confidence, competence and progress towards a good / outstanding grade.
YSJU website Contains all latest documentation No need for log in etc.
Thank you For attending this briefing session For nurturing our student teachers
Contacts Jan Spencer: SE 2 Director and ITE Partnership manager T: 01904 876524 E: Christine Weeks / Barbara Kybett : Head of School Partnership office T: 01904 876549 E: School Partnership office E:
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