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S ENIOR I NFORMATION N IGHT Hosted by: Pinedale High Guidance Office.

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Presentation on theme: "S ENIOR I NFORMATION N IGHT Hosted by: Pinedale High Guidance Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 S ENIOR I NFORMATION N IGHT Hosted by: Pinedale High Guidance Office

2 E VENING ’ S A GENDA  Welcome from the Principal  Fletcher Turcato  College Information from Counselor  Molly Mulcahy  Senior Year Deadlines  Jenifer Proud  Cap and Gown Time – Herf/Jones  Kim McJunkin

3 M AKE L IKE A B OY SCOUT !  Best to have a plan of action in place!  Timeline of Events  Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines!  Applications  Financial Aid  Communication is Key  Parents-Students  Students-Teachers  Families-Admissions Offices

4 O CTOBER —L AST C HANCE FOR F IRSTS  Get a feel for college websites  Student population: how many, who, from where  Financial-Aid page  Deadlines  Groups you might want to be a part of  Plan any last minute campus visits  University of Wyoming 11/5-11/6  Take/Register to take the SAT or ACT  October ACT open until 10/5 with late

5 N OVEMBER —A PPLICATIONS  On-line vs. Paper, Application fees  UW Applications @ PHS Nov. 27  College Application Week: Oct. 31 – Nov. 2  Essay  Check! Double-Check! Triple-Check  Have Someone Else Check  Recommendation Letters  Letter or Recommendation Form  Senior Portfolio  Addressed Envelope if Required  Transcript Request Form to Ms. Hopkins

6 D ECEMBER - G IVE Y OURSELF THE G IFT OF H ASSLE -F REE H OLIDAYS !  Finish applications before holidays!  Call colleges to confirm receipt of application and supplemental materials.  Financial Aid Workshop - Nov. 27 6:00 pm  Begin to gather tax materials for FAFSA.  Check grades on PowerSchool regularly.

7 J ANUARY —T HE F INAL P HASE  LAST CALL FOR APPLICATIONS!  Begin to complete FAFSA at  Return to top two/three colleges for overnight visits/classroom visits.  Overnight in residence hall.  Visit buildings that house your possible majors.  Understand classroom climate.  Try virtual tours  Communication is critical between parents and students at this point in the process.

8 F EBRUARY —W RAP -U P L OOSE E NDS !  Finish the FAFSA!  Complete overnight visits.  Check grades!  No news might NOT be good news…  Call Admissions’ offices to check on the status of an application.  Transcripts, recommendations, scores get lost in the shuffle!

9 M ARCH —T HE F INAL C OUNTDOWN !  Acceptance letters should be rolling in!  If you do not have an acceptance letter in hand by March, notify college advisor ASAP!  Have a family meeting (or two) to discuss which school would be the best fit.  Remember it’s all about the right fit!  Create a pros/cons list to compare  Look at financial aid packages  Talk to current students and their parents  Don’t forget that intangible X-factor

10 S CHOOL C OUNSELOR C ONTACT  Molly Mulcahy   (307) 367-2137, ext. 4247   Click on “High School”  Click on “Senior Page”  Click on “High School”  Click on “Guidance”

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