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Organization & Characterization Learning Objectives: Can I organize my materials? Do I understand how an author uses characterization ? Welcome Work: 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization & Characterization Learning Objectives: Can I organize my materials? Do I understand how an author uses characterization ? Welcome Work: 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization & Characterization Learning Objectives: Can I organize my materials? Do I understand how an author uses characterization ? Welcome Work: 1. Please put the following items on your desk: Signed syllabus  CUT off the information part! Letter to Teacher Materials and tabs 2. On a piece of looseleaf paper, write down the objectives and the date like this: Class Notes Tab Organization & Characterization 8/27/14 Learning Objectives : Can I organize my materials? Do I understand how an author uses characterization ?

2 Please pass up: Letter to Teacher Column Captains: Please make sure that they are in alphabetical order (yours is on top) Syllabus Column Captains : Collect with the BACK PAGE on the top. Alpha order!

3 Organizing your materials: 5 tabs 1.Class Notes 2.Grammar/Vocabulary 3.Reading Journal 4.Homework 5.Important Handouts

4 Attention! Countdown: 5-4-3-2-1 “If you hear my voice…” Lights Bell Whistle PRACTICE: Turn to your neighbor and discuss the best thing you’ve watched this summer (movie or TV series).

5 Who are you? On your piece of paper from the Welcome Work, you have 2 minutes to write down words that describe you. Consider: Personality traits What you do in your spare time Family Activities you’re involved in Likes/dislikes Anything that makes you YOU ! Class Notes Tab

6 PARTNER CHALLENGE! 1.You will be given partners. 2.Watch what “Partner Desks” look like. 3.Move into “Partner Desks” and introduce yourselves. “Hi, I’m ______.” “Nice to meet you, ______. I’m _____.” Use eye contact! Shake hands if you feel brave! MOVE INTO PARNTERS NOW! 4.TASK: Older  Get out a different piece of paper Young  Scribe: Draw a Venn Diagram on the paper. 5.Read your lists to each other, while filling in the Venn diagram. Older person reads first, while younger fills in the diagram. SWITCH!

7 And now for the CHALLENGE! You have 2 minutes to come up with as many things in common as you can!

8 STOP! 1.Put your pens down! 2.Count up the number of things you have in common. 3.You will now introduce each other to the class, tell us how many things you have in common, and say one thing you both have in common.

9 You have 30 seconds to move your desks back to rows.

10 Independent Reading Project Add to HW Calendar: Book is due on Sept. 8 (B Day) or Sept. 9 (A Day) This book MUST be with you for all English classes, as we will use some class time for independent reading! It must be at least 120 pages. It CANNOT have recently been made into a movie.

11 Week 1/2 Vocabulary Literary Terms are on the FRONT! Vocab/Grammar Tab

12 Vocabulary words are on the BACK!

13 Characterization *How the author reveals the personality of a character in a story* THINK HEAR FEEL DO (Actions) SAY SEE

14 Characterization Direct – The character is revealed through the author’s description Ex. Billy was sad. Indirect – The character is revealed through his/her/its thoughts, actions, appearance, and interactions. Ex. The tears dripped down Billy’s face. Class Notes Tab

15 Types of Characters Protagonist Antagonist Dynamic Static And more!

16 Materials: Writing utensil, highlighter, The Shipping News Excerpt from The Shipping News

17 1. Draw a line between each paragraph, then number the paragraphs in the left-hand margin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

18 Partner Work: 1.You will be assigned a specific paragraph to read. 2.You and your partner will BOTH have to write and highlight on your own reading passage. STEPS: 1.Read the paragraph (either silently or aloud to one another). 2.Circle vocabulary words you don’t know. Then, write the words in the right hand margin. 3.HIGHLIGHT words and phrases that characterize Quoyle. Do NOT highlight an entire sentence or the entire paragraph! 4.LISTEN as we assign your paragraph numbers. CHALLENGE  Write “D” for Direct or “I” for Indirect Characterization

19 Create a stick figure of Quoyle

20 HOMEWORK Find novel by September 8 (B Day) or September 9 (A Day) DUE NEXT LESSON: Week 1/2 Vocabulary Worksheet Read AND Highlight the WHOLE STORY! Create a Stick Figure Characterization of Quoyle

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