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CHAPTER Four Linear Transformations. Outlines Definition and Examples Matrix Representation of linear transformation Similarity.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER Four Linear Transformations. Outlines Definition and Examples Matrix Representation of linear transformation Similarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER Four Linear Transformations

2 Outlines Definition and Examples Matrix Representation of linear transformation Similarity

3 Linear transformations are able to describes. - translation, rotation & reflection - linear dynamics - solvability of -

4 Definition: A mapping L from a vector space into another vector space is said to be linear if

5 Example: is linear ( 每一向量放大 3 倍但方向不變 ) Example: ( 投影到 一軸 ) Example: ( 對 軸反射 )

6 Example: ( 對 線反射 )( 用 Householder transformation 證明 ) Example: ( 旋轉 角度 ) Example:


8 Lemma: Let be a linear transformation. Then (i) (ii) (iii) Pf: (i) Let

9 Def: Let be a linear transformation. Then is called kernel of L. On the other hand, if S is a subspace of, then is called the image of S. If, then is the range of L.

10 Theorem 4.1.1: Let be a linear transformation, and S is a subspace of. Then (i) (ii) Pf: trivial

11 Example: Then Example: Note that

12 Example:

13 Theorem: Let be a linear transformation. Then L is an injection pf: L is one-to-one

14 Observation: Let be linear Let This leads to the next results. Theorem 4.2.1: Let be linear Then Where

15 Example: Let We compute Then

16 Example: Determine a linear mapping from which rotates each vector by angle in the counterclockwise direction. Sol: Thus, the direction linear transform is

17 Question: Is there a matrix representation for a linear mapping L from a general vector space ( other than ) into another vector space? Yes! In the sense of Question: How to find ? ( 其精神在於基底映射 )

18 Let and Then where

19 Note: Let be two ordered basis for Recall that the transition matrix from to is determined from Thus can be interpreted as the matrix representation of

20 Example: Let Find with respect to Sol: Thus Check: i.e.,

21 Example: Let be an ordered basis for If is selected as ordered basis both for domain and range Then since

22 Example: Find with respect to basis Sol: Check:

23 Question: Let be linear. Can be computed more efficient?

24 Let This leads to the next result Theorem: can be computed by Gaussian elimination from

25 Example: Let Find A L with respect to

26 Change of basis: Let be two ordered basis Then Matrix Representation: where Transition matrix in change of basis is a special case of Matrix representation with

27 Application: Computer Graphics and Animation Fundamental linear operators: Dilations and Contractions: Reflection about an axis: e.g., : a reflection about Y-axis. : a reflection about X-axis.

28 Rotations: Translations: Note: Translation is not linear if Homogeneous Composition of linear mapping is linear!

29 Similarity Similarly, Question: What is the relation between Question: How to choose basis such that is as simple as possible or is in the desired form?

30 Example: Let Question: How are related? From (*) and (**),

31 Theorem4.3.1: Where is the transition matrix from ordered basis F to E.

32 Pf: Let Similarity,

33 Def: Let B is said to be similar to A, denoted by B~A, if nonsingular matrix S such that Question: Do you find the relation between similarity of two matrices & change of basis for a linear mapping? Question: How to choose S such that is as simple as possible? Question: Have you noticed the relation between S & the ordered basis?

34 Example: Let D be the differential operator, By direct calculation which agree with theoretical result.

35 Example: Let. Find the matrix representing L with respect to where Sol: Method 1:

36 Method 2:

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