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Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 1 CLIC workshop ” Technical Issues, Integration & Cost ” working group Progress on Study of Module Cooling Risto Nousiainen.

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Presentation on theme: "Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 1 CLIC workshop ” Technical Issues, Integration & Cost ” working group Progress on Study of Module Cooling Risto Nousiainen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 1 CLIC workshop ” Technical Issues, Integration & Cost ” working group Progress on Study of Module Cooling Risto Nousiainen 16.10.2008

2 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 2 Outlook Introduction Current layout for module cooling Cooling specifications for the AS and the PETS Accelerating structure cooling PETS cooling Challenges “Bigger picture” Collaboration Future work

3 Reserved Dissipations –AS ~ 412 W –PETS ~ 110 W –Load ~ 712 W –DB Quad ~ 148 W –Module ~ 7.7 kW –Linac ~ 70172 kW Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 3 Introduction Cooling circuits –Circuit A – Module components –Circuit B – General cooling –…

4 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 4 Cooling layout Baseline configuration Circuit A Uniform duct over a full length of a linac. Demineralised water Unique inlet/outlet point close to IP MMMMM IP MMMMM Linac 1Linac 2 2 x 70172 kW

5 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 5 Cooling layout Flow / Linac: 3490 m^ 3 /hr Flow / Module: 340 m^ 3 /hr Baseline configuration ∆T linac = ∆T module =17.5 K ∆T AS = 10.2 K ∆T PETS = 10.2 K ∆T DB_Q = 10.2 K ∆T Load = 8.9 K ∆T MB_Q = 6.3 K T ln = 25 ºC

6 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 6 Cooling specification AS –Is well advanced Some key points: –Sustain alignment of few microns –Design the operation temperature in parallel to RF-design –Consider unloaded condition and loaded condition –Consider RF-power variation in AS PETS –Is well advanced Some key points: –Sustain alignment of ~20 microns –Consider steady state beam losses (0.5 %) and surface currents –Consider higher beam losses –Consider bar to bar losses in one PETS Thermal dissipation per PETS Over DB sector Thermal cell-by-cell dissipation distribution in an accelerating structure Nb. Thanks to R. Zennaro, A. Grudiev and I. Syratchev for their contribution Good basis to start more detailed design! EDMS 964717 EDMS 964715

7 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 7 First results for AS Cooling Baseline of the routing CFD – analysis Cell to Cell power dissipations P in = 412 W (nominal power) ∆T AS = 6.8 K ∆T Water = 5 K (by definition with requirements) Total ∆T Water = 10 K

8 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 8 First results for PETS Cooling Baseline of the routing CFD – analysis Octant to octant power dissipations P in = 39 W (safety is 2 for beam loss) ∆T PETS = 4.7 K ∆T Water = 0.9 K (by definition with requirements) PETS Inout

9 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 9 Challenges Cooling design that sustains alignment Thermal stability Performance is strongly coupled with temperature Thermal effects Big overall dissipation System Integration Predictable: operational temperature, longitudinal elongation, transverse elongation Unpredictable: water temperature instability, RF power variation Risk of high pressure drops through a module

10 CIRCUIT A : MODULES COOLING - Demineralised water Accelerator structure, Loads, PETS, Quadrupoles CIRCUIT B : GENERAL COOLING - Demineralised water UTRA, UTRC, Vacuum, Beam Dump CIRCUIT C : Raw water - TBC CIRCUIT D : FIRE FIGHTING - Water mist - TBC CIRCUIT E : REGULATION – Compressed Air – TBC VENTILATION: Air “Bigger picture” Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 10 Different accelerator operation settings: 500 GeV, including higher repetition rates etc… Possible startup of the linear collider Tunnel cooling Structure Cooling Feedback & iteration Adjustment

11 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 11 Collaborations Wroclaw University of Technology (WUT) Proposition of WUT cryogenic and refrigeration group for structure cooling HEAT PIPE CONCEPT The concept of a heat pipe is explained in Figure 1. A heat pipe is a simple device that can quickly transfer heat from one point to another. It is often referred to as a "superconductor" of heat as it possesses an extraordinary heat transfer capacity & rate with almost no heat losses (quasi isothermal process). Heat source Heat sink ∆T Advantages: Self control, Minimum vibrations – no flow Simplicity Safety E.G. Water In a nutshell : Pressure controlled vessel that is adjusted to work on certain temperature, intensity of medium evaporation is a function of heat input -Stabile temperature! Courtesy of Gabriela Konopka-Cupial and Stefan Reszewski, WUT

12 Risto Nousiainen, 16.10.2008 12 Conclusions and Future work Means to start detailed structure cooling design are available Well defined subtasks for collaborators Previous study: –Thermal dissipations of linac: Modules General components Ventilation requirements Future work –2 nd iteration for the dissipations of the overall cooling system –Detailed design of component cooling Thank you!

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