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Understanding Shades of Meaning The importance of what words mean and how we use them.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Shades of Meaning The importance of what words mean and how we use them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Shades of Meaning The importance of what words mean and how we use them

2 Meaning is communicated through both a word’s denotation and its connotation. You need to keep in mind that words may have a variety of meanings, some of which are not immediately apparent. These hidden meanings of words may have a great effect on your ability to convey the message you intend.

3 Denotation vs. Connotation Connotation is the hidden meaning, often with powerful feelings and associations that word arouses.  The feelings that you have about a word may depend on the experiences you have had.  Take the word dog for example:  If you have had pleasant experiences with dogs, the word dog may give you feelings of love, warmth, and security.  If a dog has chased you or bitten you, however, the word dog might give you feelings of fear, anxiety, or even hostility.  Good communicators choose words that lead an audience to make certain associations. You can make the connotations of words work for you by becoming sensitive Denotation is the dictionary definition of a word. The same word may have several denotations. Take the word quarter for example:  1. “one-fourth of a unit of message, such as a dollar.”  2. “an area or section of a city”  3. “the compassionate treatment given to an enemy who surrenders”  4. “to cut the body of (a person) into quarters, especially in executing for treason or the like”

4 Activity Three  Using the commercials Mrs. Kallemeyn is going to show in class, using a sheet of paper make two lists for each commercial. In one list write the word or pictures that the advertisers have used to arouse the audience’s positive feelings toward the products or services.  In the other list, note any words or pictures the advertisers have used to arouse the viewers negative feelings toward competitor’s products or services toward that may follow from the listener’s failure to use whatever the advertisers are promoting.  Commercial One:  Commercial Two:  Commercial Three:  Commercial Four:  Which one of these commercials has the most positive message? Why did you choose it? What appealed to you in the commercial?  Which one of these commercials has the most negative message? Why did you choose it? What about the commercials gives it a negative feeling?

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