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School & Community Wellness Partnerships Becky Kennedy, M.Ed. Program Coordinator Coordinated School Health Programs Indiana School Health Network/ Indiana.

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Presentation on theme: "School & Community Wellness Partnerships Becky Kennedy, M.Ed. Program Coordinator Coordinated School Health Programs Indiana School Health Network/ Indiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 School & Community Wellness Partnerships Becky Kennedy, M.Ed. Program Coordinator Coordinated School Health Programs Indiana School Health Network/ Indiana State Dept. of Health

2 Goals -Describe Benefits of Partnerships - Identify Goals of School / Community Partnerships - Clarify Needs of Program Initiatives - Identify Potential Partners

3 School / Community Wellness Partnerships are vital to an effective Coordinated School Health Model

4 Coordinated School Health Programs

5 Family / Community Involvement “An integrated school, parent, and community approach for enhancing the health and well-being of students” (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)

6 Coordinated School Health Programs

7 Benefits of a School / Community Wellness Partnership - active involvement of parents, community organizations, local government, and businesses - gain community support - sustain programs & continue momentum

8 Cont’d. - identify new partners & funding in the community - fund programs & initiatives supportive of school wellness - identify future grant opportunities to sustain initiatives

9 Starting Points: - Clarify your goals - Set priorities - Timeline (starting with the end in mind, applying “the backward design” concept) - “Buy in” of the “team” to move towards creating a stronger school & community collaboration

10 Communicating a clear message: Themes such as: “Making the Healthy Choice The Easy Choice”; “The choices we make are driven by the choices we have”

11 Maximizing Opportunities - don’t overlook existing school/community partners -keep the focus on the students

12 - “share the wealth”.. of program responsibilities and volunteer opportunities

13 Tools for Advocacy Research Data Legislation Policies Position Papers Reports Case Studies

14 Use state and federal reports, data, and position statements to communicate your message and the need for your programs

15 Policies to improve the school health environment which in turn impacts Health & Academic Achievement

16 School wellness policy Fuller implementation Increasing physical activity Healthier vending Lindsey Bouza – ISDH Schools Coordinator 317-233-5603

17 Case Studies: personalized to your school & community

18 “Joint-use agreements”

19 Who are your potential community partners?

20 On a piece of paper, create 4 columns: 1. Goal 2. Need 3. Potential Partner 4. Strategies to acquire partnership

21 Activity: 1. Pair with school team member 2. Select 1-2 goals from your action plan 3. Describe needs associated with specific goals 4. Identify potential community partners 5. Select strategy for initiating communication to create school / community partnership

22 “Sustaining initiatives” “Maintaining the momentum”

23 It’s OK to have a “Paper Trail” (e.g., timelines, action plans, reports, case studies, data, documents)

24 The Partners of the Indiana School Health Network - IN Dept. of Education; IN Dept. of Health; Family & Social Services Agency - School Administrators, Teachers, Nurses - Health Care Providers - University Faculty - Non-profit Organizations


26 Next Steps

27 Q & A

28 Q & A Becky Kennedy Program Coordinator: Coordinated School Health Programs 317-233-7757

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