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Rhode Island PK-16 Partnerships for Success Service-Learning Project May 2011 Prepared by Jill Glickman, Workshop Leader Rhode Island Campus Compact With.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhode Island PK-16 Partnerships for Success Service-Learning Project May 2011 Prepared by Jill Glickman, Workshop Leader Rhode Island Campus Compact With."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhode Island PK-16 Partnerships for Success Service-Learning Project May 2011 Prepared by Jill Glickman, Workshop Leader Rhode Island Campus Compact With support from Learn and Serve America

2 Who and what are we talking about?

3 Wide range of out-of- school settings Afterschool programs on school site Afterschool programs off school site Community-based organizations – direct service, advocacy, education Faith-based groups Collaborations and community-organized initiatives College-student led projects Public Libraries Where else?

4 “Service-Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.” From: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

5  Both community service and service-learning emphasize: ◦ Organized service that meets community needs ◦ Civic responsibility  Service-learning differs from community service activities because service-learning: ◦ Includes a structured learning component ◦ Provides opportunities for ongoing reflection ◦ Promotes coordination, planning and evaluation among the key partners

6  Meaningful Service  Link to Curriculum  Reflection  Diversity  Youth Voice  Partnerships  Progress Monitoring  Duration and Intensity

7  Inventory and Investigation  Preparation and Planning  Action  Reflection  Demonstration

8 Moving from Good to Great “We’ve just seen it [service-learning] work.... when kids take on projects they’re passionate about, they can move mountains. They can convince a lot of people to change behaviors.”

9  Benefits for participants  Benefits for community based organizations  Benefits for service recipients, communities & societies

10  PK-16 Service-learning  Out of school time  Asset building and resiliency  Drop out prevention  Campus Community Partnerships  Experiential Learning  Career Development & Workforce Preparation  Civic Engagement  Civic Education

11 High Quality Service-Learning experiences =  Improved Academic Achievement  Improved Academic Engagement  Positive Civic Attitudes and Behaviors  Enhanced Social and Personal Skills learn more about recent research: and

12 Effective Out-of-School Time Programs Make learning fun Ground learning in a real-world context Integrate hands-on activities Provide content that complements curricular standards From: AfterSchool Matters Journal,Editor’s Note. September 2010, publication of the National Institute on Out of School Time

13 “Benefits Don’t Come Automatically”

14  Meaningful Service  Link to Curriculum  Reflection  Diversity  Youth Voice  Partnerships  Progress Monitoring  Duration and Intensity

15 Service-Learning In Out-of- School Settings Intentional learning outcomes defined with/for student Service that meets identified need & is tied to the mission of the organization/institution Student voice & leadership

16 “Service-learning intentionally integrates and emphasizes both service and learning. Youth engaged in service-learning not only provide direct service to the community, but also learn and grown in their knowledge, skills and attitudes.” From: Roehlkepartain, E.C. Service-learning in Community-Based Organizations: A Practical Guide to Starting and Sustaining High Quality Programs, Scotts Valley, CA: Learn and Serve America’s National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, 2009.

17 Key Ingredients of Successful Partnerships “Flexibility” “Make it authentic” “Partnership is between students and partner” “Preparation is important” “this work is about service with..” “don’t be so tied to curricular goals esp. with older youth”

18 Key Ingredients of Successful Partnerships “this work is about service with..” “don’t be so tied to curricular goals esp. with older youth”

19  Be deliberate, intentional and focused about learning outcomes in the context of your organization/partnership  Include voice and choice for youth  Make meaningful service and reflection THE centerpieces of the project  Develop effective partnerships

20 “What does our organization seek to help youth learn through their participation in our programs?” From: Roehlkepartain, E.C. Service-learning in Community-Based Organizations: A Practical Guide to Starting and Sustaining High Quality Programs, Scotts Valley, CA: Learn and Serve America’s National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, 2009.

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