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CDP #A-1-MEN-10-015 (Appeal, de Novo Hearing) Amy Wynn, Wynn Coastal Planning Th9d.

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Presentation on theme: "CDP #A-1-MEN-10-015 (Appeal, de Novo Hearing) Amy Wynn, Wynn Coastal Planning Th9d."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDP #A-1-MEN-10-015 (Appeal, de Novo Hearing) Amy Wynn, Wynn Coastal Planning Th9d



4 Requested Modifications to Staff’s Recommended Special Conditions A. Accept Landscape Plan, dated August 5, 2013, with 65% screening. Special Condition #4(A)(i)(b) B. Install Screening Vegetation within 60 days of the issuance of the Building Permit rather than this fall, due to financial hardship. Special Condition #4(A)(i)(g) B. Clarify height of shrubs at base of windows along western façade. Special Condition #4(A)(i)(b)(iv) D. Allow planting of trees as seedlings rather than 5’ high specimens, due to low success rate of planting mature specimens on west-facing bluff-top parcels. Special Condition #4(A)(i)(f)






10 Existing Residence – in context As viewed from Mendocino Headlands (most visible public vantage point)

11 Existing Residence – in context As viewed from Mendocino Headlands (most visible public vantage point)


13 Please Accept these Modifications to Staff’s Recommended Special Conditions A. Accept Landscape Plan, dated August 5, 2013, with 65% screening: “ Screening vegetation shall be planted in at least the following locations and densities according to the annotated landscape plan with a handwritten date of August 5, 2013 titled ‘Landscape Plan, proposed modification,’ and submitted to the Commission Staff on August 19, 2013 (page 1 of Exhibit 10), and shall be positioned to provide at minimum 70 65% screening of the western and northern facades of the residence within five years of planting as seen from public view areas along Highway One, in the Town of Mendocino, and from Mendocino Headlands State Park.” Special Condition #4(A)(i)(b) B. Install Screening Vegetation within 60 days of the issuance of the Building Permit, due to financial hardship: “All landscape planting shall be completed prior to occupancy and screening vegetation shall be planted within 60 days of the first fall/early winter period following issuance of this coastal development the building permit.” Special Condition #4(A)(i)(g) C. Clarify height of shrubs at base of windows along western façade: “…maximum height at maturity of to reach the base of the windows, which is approximately 3 feet from finish grade….” Special Condition #4(A)(i)(b)(iv) D. Allow planting of trees as seedlings rather than 5’ high specimens, due to low success rate of planting mature specimens on west-facing bluff-top parcels: “All screening trees to be planted shall be at a minimum of: (a) five feet high seedlings for trees; (b) one foot high for shrubs adjacent to the house; and (c) three feet high for all other shrubs when planted and must reach a mature height of at least to reach the base of the windows, which is approximately 3 feet from finish grade for shrubs adjacent to the house, 10 feet for all other shrubs, and 20 feet for all trees; and….” Special Condition #4(A)(i)(f)


15 CDP #A-1-MEN-10-015 (Bethel) (Appeal, de Novo Hearing) Amy Wynn, Wynn Coastal Planning Th9d

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