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Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of 2-Thiazolidinones as Inhibitors of the Histone Reader BRD4 Bromodomain.

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Presentation on theme: "Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of 2-Thiazolidinones as Inhibitors of the Histone Reader BRD4 Bromodomain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of 2-Thiazolidinones as Inhibitors of the Histone Reader BRD4 Bromodomain

2 -Contents- Background Knowledge Abstract Introduction Results and Discussion Experimental Section

3 Background Knowledge Chromatin 구조

4 Histone modification Background Knowledge


6 Bromodomain Background Knowledge ∙ 110 개의 아미노산들로 구성된 bromodomain 은 히스톤 H4 의 acetyllysine 과 결합 ∙ BET family (Bromodomain and extraterminal family) 에는 BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, BRDT 로 구성

7 Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Background Knowledge 'rule of three' 1. Molecular weight < 300 2. log P< 3 3. Hydrogen bond donors <3 4. Hydrogen bond acceptors < 3 5. Rotatable bonds < 3

8 Abstract Fragment library 를 통해 선별한 bromodomain inhibitor 들 중에 2-thiazolidinone 을 가지고 있는 구조가 가장 큰 효과와 안정성을 보임 2-thiazolidinone

9 Introduction BRD4 -> four alpha helices (αZ, αA, αB, and αC) -> loop regions (ZA and BC loops) linking the helices ZA and BC constitute the rim of the acetyl-lysine binding pocket

10 Introduction P-TEFb(positive transcription elongation factor complex) BRD4 inhibitor 가 BRD4 와 binding 한다면 RNA 전사를 막을 수 있음

11 Introduction MYC gene 은 transcription factor 로 세포의 증식, 분열, 그리고 apoptosis 에 관여 또한 암세포에서도 잘 발견되어, 암세포의 증식과도 연관이 있음 이 유전자는 버킷림프종에서 처음 발견됨

12 Introduction (+)- JQ1 diazepine core BRD4 와 binding 해서 cancerous acute myeloid leukemia cell 의 성장과 분화를 막고 정자의 chromatin remodeling 에 관여하는 BRDT 와 binding 해서 정자 수의 90% 감소와 남아있는 정자의 5% 를 제외하고는 impaired motility 의 효과를 보임

13 Introduction 1-BET762 diazepine core Immunomodulatory drug 로 개발되었고 현재 phase 1 단계에 있음 1-BET151 Acetyl lysine mimic 으로 bromodomain 을 inhibit 시킴 BRD2 inhibior

14 Results and Discussion FBDD -> rule of three 이번 실험에서는 1. Molecular weight ≤ 250 2. Rotatable bonds ≤ 5 3. log P ≤ 3.5 4. 1 ≤ smallest set of smallest ring ≤ 4


16 Results and Discussion JQ1



19 Results and Discussion


21 2-thiazolidinone core

22 Results and Discussion 1




26 8 + 18b8 + 18d


28 40b40d

29 In Vitro PK Assessment

30 Cellular Activity on HT-29 cell


32 Treated 10 μM for 24 h on HT-29 cell

33 Experimental Section





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