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Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” …

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1 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” …

2 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12

3 “Living Among The Canaanites” BACKGROUND INFORMATION  Moses forewarned Israel Num 33:50-52, 55  Joshua reminded Israel again following the initial conquests Josh 23:1-7, 12-13  Israel failed to obey God Judg 1:27-36  They did not drive out the Canaanites  They allowed them to remain, live among them

4 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ê The loss of godly leadership vv. 6-9  Joshua had fulfilled his mission  Time had passed him, his generation by (no one lives forever)  He & his generation had brought Israel to her promised home

5 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ê The loss of godly leadership vv. 6-9  So much can happen between generations  Good leaders die off  Bad leaders can lead into apostasy  Israel was faithful as long as Joshua, his generation was alive  Once they were gone, Israel failed miserably

6 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ë The lack of knowledge of God’s will v. 10  Teaching is crucial Deut 6:6-7  Knowledge is a must Hos 4:6  This new generation was bereft of a working knowledge of God’s will  What He had historically done for Israel

7 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ë The lack of knowledge of God’s will v. 10  Failure in teaching OR Failure in learning  Either way, the result was the same  What God had done for His people had to be passed down to successive generations  Their identity depended upon this

8 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ì The lure of Baalism vv. 11-12  No leaders…No knowledge  Filling such a “void” with anything was easy  Baal = prevalent god among the Canaanites  Each community had its own version  Credited with fertility (crops, livestock, man)

9 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ì The lure of Baalism vv. 11-12  When neighboring peoples appeared successful, it was too easy for leaderless & ignorant Israel to adopt their methods  Israel violated the earliest of God’s commands Ex 20:3-5

10 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” ISRAEL’S FAILURES Ì The lure of Baalism vv. 11-12  Israel was no longer God’s peculiar people Ex 19:5-6  Because of her first 2 failures, Israel could not see this danger for what it truly was… DEATH Prov 14:12

11 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES  The spiritual applications are striking  We are not trying to claim a physical land  However, we are trying to secure a home Phil 3:20 Heb 11:13-16  We’ve not even been commanded to drive out our “Canaanites” Mt 5:13-16  We’ll apply the same 3 points…

12 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES Ê We can lose godly leaders  Through their death…through their apostasy  It is crucial we constantly stay prepared for the next generation of leaders  We can’t afford to be found in such a “vacuum” or void

13 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES Ë We can have a lack of knowledge  Possessing knowledge is a premium Eph 5:17 2 Pet 3:18  Like Israel, we can in 2 major ways –  We can fail to teach the next generation  The next generation can fail to learn

14 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES Ë We can have a lack of knowledge  Important issues that identify & define us will become foreign (authority, nature/work/ organization/worship of church, salvation)  Our “distinction” must be maintained 2 Cor 6:14-18  “Distinction” via the word of God 2 Tim 2:15

15 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES Ì We can be lured by “Baalism”  Our “Baalism” = worldliness, false religion  Any form of carnality, man-made religion that has the appearance of success must be avoided Jn 18:36 1 Pet 2:9-11 1 Jn 2:15-17

16 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” OUR FAILURES Ì We can be lured by “Baalism”  In some local churches, it appears some have already given in to this  If we fail re: the first 2 points, we will surely fail here  We will be just like Israel…empty  It will be easy for us to bow to our “Baals”

17 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” CLOSING COMMENTS  Our text appears right before a tragic and disappointing cycle of unfaithfulness  For the next 350+ years, Israel would reap the effects of these 3 failures  Our future is not yet written  The time for us to evaluate is NOW

18 Modern-Day Applications From Judg 2:6-12 “Living Among The Canaanites” …

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