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Myers Park Presbyterian Church. Scope of Child Abuse  1 in every 3 to 4 girls  1 in every 6 boys  Every 11 seconds a child is reported abused or neglected.

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Presentation on theme: "Myers Park Presbyterian Church. Scope of Child Abuse  1 in every 3 to 4 girls  1 in every 6 boys  Every 11 seconds a child is reported abused or neglected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myers Park Presbyterian Church

2 Scope of Child Abuse  1 in every 3 to 4 girls  1 in every 6 boys  Every 11 seconds a child is reported abused or neglected  2.9 million children are reported abused or neglected each year  984,000 are confirmed  1 death per day

3 Why the Church Should Respond Moral Biblical Mandate Theological Mandate Legal Secular Volunteer Organization National Protection Act of ’93 3000% increase in suits filed past ten years 5000% increase in damages awarded past ten years

4 Reducing the Risk

5 Definition of a Child (Who is covered by this policy?) A minor child is any person under the age of 18.

6 What is Child Abuse? Child abuse can be defined as a non- accidental injury or pattern of injuries to a child.

7 Neglect(55% of cases) Occurs when adults responsible for the well being of a child fail to provide for the child. Neglect may include not giving food, clothing, shelter; failure to keep children clean; lack of supervision and withholding medical care.

8 Physical (22% of cases) An injury or pattern of injuries that happen to a child that are not accidental. These injuries may include beatings, burns, bruises, bites, welts, strangulation, broken bones or death.

9 Sexual (8% of cases) Sexual abuse is the sexual assault or exploitation of children. Sexual abuse may consist of numerous acts over a long period of time or a single incident. Children can be victimized from infancy through adolescence. The perpetrator keeps the child from disclosing through intimidation, threats and rewards.

10 Emotional (4% of cases) Chronic and persistent acts by an adult that endangers the mental health or emotional development of a child including rejection, ignoring, terrorizing, corrupting, constant criticism, mean remarks, insults and giving little or no love, guidance and support. Spiritual Abuse – the use of religious imagery or language to compel a specific behavior

11 Perpetrator Situational Serial

12 Preconditions for Sexual Abuse to Occur Person with motivation to sexually abuse. Must overcome external barriers.

13 Key components of the Myers Park Presbyterian Church Child/Youth Protection Policy

14 Two Adult Policy There will be at least two adults within visual eyesight of each other at all times when they are with children and youth. Staff members and volunteers are expected to avoid any situation in which they could be alone or out of sight of others, with a single child except in emergency situations. In situations where it is necessary (pastoral care occasions) for an adult to be alone with a child, the individual should notify another adult before and after the period which he/she is alone with the child.

15 Open Door Policy Doors to rooms in which children are present are to remain open.

16 Reporting Every employee and volunteer of Myers Park Presbyterian Church is required to report any situation which presents a suspicion that child abuse may have occurred to CROSS Director\CROSS staff immediately

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