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The MDM4U Project Emma Bromley Erdit Celo Katherine Fletcher Henry Guardado Lizzy Velasquez MDM4U class of Tom Steinke Mother Teresa High School Ottawa.

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Presentation on theme: "The MDM4U Project Emma Bromley Erdit Celo Katherine Fletcher Henry Guardado Lizzy Velasquez MDM4U class of Tom Steinke Mother Teresa High School Ottawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MDM4U Project Emma Bromley Erdit Celo Katherine Fletcher Henry Guardado Lizzy Velasquez MDM4U class of Tom Steinke Mother Teresa High School Ottawa Catholic District School Board

2 Why We Chose to Take the Data Management Course Its not like regular math: its interactive and very hands-on. Its very applicable to real life, unlike many other math courses. For example, surveys and data presented on the news make a lot more sense after taking this course. You can use it in almost any career, from teaching to biochemistry!

3 The Project This course was centered around one main project that encompassed all aspects of the MDM4U course. We were surprised to hear that we could explore any topic we chose. This does not happen often in math classes! However, it was difficult to choose and focus on only one topic.

4 How We Picked a Topic We brainstormed ideas and considered different topics. We looked for data on all our topics, and found that there was plenty available for sports and ethnicity. We looked for trends in our data, and found plenty of questions to explore.

5 Sports bring us all together All over the world people of different ethnicities and backgrounds unite to play sports. Sports are the only thing we can all agree on. Our Topic: Sports and Ethnicity

6 However… …sports are not entirely unaffected by ethnic differences

7 Hypothesis We believe that there will be definite ethnic trends in the world of professional sports. These trends will be reflected in the high school population.

8 Hypothesis cont. We believe that African Americans and North Americans will be the most involved in sports.

9 Data Collection: Professional Data There was no data set available comparing ethnicity and athletic achievement. We had to create our own data using information from, etc.

10 Data Collection: High School Data We picked 50 high school boys at random. We asked these questions: What ethnicity are you? What sport do you enjoy playing the most? Are you involved in any after school sports? If yes, how many hours do you spend a week playing sports? (To the nearest hour) What sport do you enjoy watching the most?

11 The Process We each picked a different sport to analyze, so that one person did not have too much work. Each group member explored different questions that were specific to their own sports, but we still had several unifying questions. Since we had a bigger group (5 people) we could thoroughly analyze 5 major sports.

12 The Process After collecting our data, we explored the numbers for interesting trends. We compared the actual numbers to the current stereotypes concerning sports and ethnicity. After we each did our separate parts, we got together to combine them all. This was the hardest part!

13 Conclusion We really enjoyed the MDM4U culminating task because it was a different type of math project that we had never experienced. We enjoyed working together in our group because it really helped us understand the concepts of data. We liked being able to choose our own topic of study and being able to explore it in our own way.

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