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Definitions The Geography of Recreation deals with the location and use of recreation facilities We need to understand the reasons behind selection of.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions The Geography of Recreation deals with the location and use of recreation facilities We need to understand the reasons behind selection of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions The Geography of Recreation deals with the location and use of recreation facilities We need to understand the reasons behind selection of activity (Elements of study – Population, Activities, Facilities) The end results are a product of multiple factors, all interacting and all changeable

2 Recreation and Leisure are Loosey-Goosey terms

3 Problems The straightjacket of definitions Change over time

4 Spatial Process - Change Over Time

5 NEED FOR DEFINITION The advantage of focus The need for consistency

6 LEISURE Disagreements about the meaning of leisure –can you be at leisure if you are disadvantaged? Webster’s definition - “freedom provided by the cessation of activities, especially time free from work or duties” free timespare time optional time - discretionary timeUse then as free time, or spare time, or optional time - discretionary time

7 STATE OF MIND PIEPER –Leisure is a mental and spiritual attitude, not the inevitable result of spare time, a holiday, a weekend or a vacation. It is, in the first place an attitude of the mind, a condition of the soul.


9 From the Statement - a set of ideas related to opportunity, choice and a state of mind

10 Available Opportunities Opportunity refers to having ‘things to do’ - therefore relating to activities Planners and managers with the system are responsible for provision of these opportunities

11 ‘Activities’ + recreation and tourism planners If recreation is ‘activities’ - may lead to:

12 ‘Activities’ + recreation and tourism planners But useful to Recreation Planners 1definition of goals / objectives / targets 2planning budgets and investments 3providing / locating sites

13 STATE OF MIND AVEDON –Recreation: A personal sensation of well- being experienced in the process of anticipating, recalling, or engaging in any activity

14 STATE OF MIND GRAY AND GREBEN –Recreation is an emotional condition within an individual human being that flows from a feeling of well being and self satisfaction. It reinforces a positive self-image.

15 STATE OF MIND DICTIONARY OF SOCIOLOGY - 1944 –Recreation has its own immediate appeal and is not impelled by a delayed reward beyond itself

16 Stages of the Recreation Experience

17 Prediction the relationships are interlinked so all factors are changing - each might have a different direction How do you predict change or process?

18 Inertia vs Change Facilities People - investment Technologies Recreation tends to be fad oriented - therefore quick changes

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