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EbRIM Profile of CS/W 17-JUL-2007 Presented by: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, CubeWerx Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "EbRIM Profile of CS/W 17-JUL-2007 Presented by: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, CubeWerx Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 ebRIM Profile of CS/W 17-JUL-2007 Presented by: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, CubeWerx Inc.

2 Slide 2 Agenda Why ebRIM? –Manage multiple artefacts –Associations –Classifications ebRIM Highlights Packages Issues Ongoing work Discussion

3 Slide 3 What is ebRIM? e-business Registry Information Model Define by OASIS –Used by OGC as the information model for the CS/W-ebRIM profile Not all of it. Current version is v3.0

4 Slide 4 Why ebRIM? Need to manage many kinds of artefacts: –Dataset descriptions –Service offers (service interface descriptions) –Coordinate reference systems –Units of Measure –Application schemas, feature types –Map styles and symbol libraries –Access control policies –Sensor description –Ontological descriptions –Digital rights –Organizations and Projects

5 Slide 5 Why ebRim? (con.t)‏ Need to associate artefacts with one another (associations)‏ –The classic found data now want to find service that offer that data and visa-versa Need to classify artefacts in many ways (classification schemes)‏ Need to collect artefacts into logical groups (packages)‏ Need a common interface for a wide range of metadata management

6 Slide 6 Why ebRIM? (If you are not yet convinced!)‏ These needs have been recognized by the wider IT community for some time and hence the ebRIM was created (e-business Registry Information Model)‏ OGC adapted the ebRIM as the basis for a profile of the Catalogue 2.0-CSW specification

7 Slide 7 Associations Artefacts do not exist in isolation SensorPlatform Observation ProjectOrganization Coordinate System Sensor Web Service Physical Quantity measures carriedOn references ownedBy deployedIn dataServedBy UnitOfMeasure Tracking relationships is key to the “value” of the metadata

8 Slide 8 Classification Example Classification schemes –ISO 19119 classification for services –DFDD and FACC dictionary of feature, attribute and data types –Many classifications for sensors (e.g.)‏ Passive –Visible/Reflective Infrared –Thermal Infrared –Microwave Active –Synthetic Aperture Radar –Lidar

9 Slide 9 Classification – Semantics There is a draft recommendation paper at the OASIS regarding an “ebXML registry profile for OWL” “ ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL), version 1.5” – Asuman Dogac ( Approved as a specification since April 2007 This paper details how to –model ontologies within an ebXML registry –define stored procedures at the DB level to perform semantic operations ClassifiedAs Operator

10 Slide 10 ebRIM UML Model

11 Slide 11 ebRIM Highlights Repository A general information model Expressed in XML Can be loaded into an ebRIM Registry Is an ISO Standard (ISO 15000-3)‏ Supports notion of Registry-Repository Registry Repository CS/W-ebRIM Service Registry Object Repository Item

12 Slide 12 ebRIM Highlights (cont.)‏ ExtrinsicObject – representative or proxy for repository item. Extensible by slots and object type attribute. –e.g. CRS dictionary entry Extrinsic Object –e.g. FeatureType Extrinsic Object Classification Scheme – basis for taxonomy of RegistryObjects. User defined. Collection of Classification Nodes. Association – named relationship between Registry Objects. User defined. Package – logical collection of Registry Objects (ExtrinsicObjects, Classification Schemes, Associations)‏

13 Slide 13 Other Highlights of ebRIM Extensibility (Slots, Packages,...)‏ Life Cycle Metadata Audit Trail Provenance Organizations Services

14 Slide 14 Packages Packages encapsulate all the object types, association types, classification schemes, slots, stored queries, etc... Create/Load an ebRIM Package using XML and WRS interfaces (Insert/GetRegistryObject)‏ Can support multiple packages at same time Can re-use Associations and ExtrinsicObjects across packages OGC standardization focusing on Extension Packages for Geography –EO Products Extensions Package for ebRIM (06-131r2)‏

15 Slide 15 Basic Extension Package for CS/W-ebRIM Extrinsic Object Type Definitions: –ServiceProfile – service features/capabilities (e.g. OGC Capabilities document)‏ –ServiceModel – service computational characteristics and behaviour (e.g. WSDL interface)‏ –ServiceGrounding – how to access the service (e.g. WSDL service description)‏ –Dataset – Description of a geographic dataset (e.g. ISO 19115/19139)‏ –Schema – formal description of a conceptual model (e.g. GML application schema)‏ –StyleSheet – a set of rules for styling an information resource (e.g. XSLT style sheet)‏ –Document – a document of any kind –Annotation – Commentary intended to interpret or explain some resource. –Image – a symbolic visual resource other than text. –Rights – Information about rights held in and over a resource.

16 Slide 16 Basic Extension Package (cont.)‏ Classification Scheme: –Services Taxonomy (source ISO 19119, Subclause 8.3). –Slots (source DCMI metadata terms)‏ –Country Codes (ISO 3166-1)‏ –Geographical Regions (UN Statistics Division)‏ –Feature Codes (DIGEST)‏

17 Slide 17 Basic Extensions Package (cont.)‏ Association Objects: –OperatesOn – Associates a service offer with a description of the data that the service operates on as input or output (from ISO 19119). –Presents – associates a service offer with a description of what the service does. –Supports – Associates a service offer with how an agent can access the service. –DescribedBy – Associates a service offer with a description of its computational characteristics and the semantic content of supported requests. –Annotates – Associates an annotation resource with the registry object that it explains or evaluates. –RepositoryItemFor – Associates a source Externallink that refers to an item in an external repository with a target ExtrinsicObject. –GraphicOverview – Associates a source Dataset with an Image that illustrates or summarizes the data content.

18 Slide 18 Basic Extensions Package (cont.)‏ Stored Queries –findServices - returns a list of rim:Service elements. –listExtensionPackages – returns a list of all deployed extension packages. –showStoredQueries – returns a list of available stored query definitions. –getVersionHistory – returns the version history of a specified registry object.

19 Slide 19 CS/W-ebRIM service with Packages Catalogue 2.0-CSW.ebRIM Basic Extension Package CRS Package (OGC)‏ EO Products (ESA)‏ Feature Dictionary (NATO)‏ Sensor Description ( )‏ …

20 Slide 20 Interface Changes to CS/W The following operations are defined for the CS/W: –GetRepositoryItem: get the an item associated with a catalogue record from the catalogue's repository –Deep Search via Xpath: adds a deep search capability for XML content into the catalogue's repository

21 Slide 21 Issues Interoperability –At the service level (being addressed by CS/W ebRIM)‏ –At the IM level; specifically how resources are mapped into ebRIM Lots of work done on this is OWS4 resulting in a number of IPR's Complexity –Querying ebRIM requires a sound understanding of the model –Typically multiple joins are required to fetch information

22 Slide 22 Ongoing Work CS/W-ebRIM RWG currently in session editing first version of the profile –Farrukh Najmi (one of the OASIS ebRIM editors) in on the RWG – OGC members have contributed to the ebRIM specification at OASIS Several commercial implementations of the profile available Other CS/W profiles being updated to use ebRIM (ISO19115/ISO19119, FGDC)

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