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Toys created by Moroccan children toys for games of skill document made for the Facebook group toys created by children.

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Presentation on theme: "Toys created by Moroccan children toys for games of skill document made for the Facebook group toys created by children."— Presentation transcript:

1 toys created by Moroccan children toys for games of skill document made for the Facebook group toys created by children

2 Celebrating children’s creativity in their self made toys from a multicultural perspective Jean-Pierre Rossie 2009

3 for several games of skill children do not need to make toys Anti-Atlas, 2005

4 for other games of skill the child’s body will do région de Tan-Tan, 2007

5 Anti-Atlas, 2006

6 sometimes they use objects from the natural environment Tan-Tan, 2005

7 Marrakech 1993

8 sometimes they use objects from their human environment Anti-Atlas 2008

9 Tan-Tan 2006

10 Tiznit, 2007

11 children also create special toys for their games of skill sling Anti-Atlas, 2007

12 as the sling the catapult or slingshot is at the same time a toy and an utilitarian object Anti-Atlas, 2007

13 spinning the wheel Anti Atlas, 2006

14 making clay tops a very delicate job Anti-Atlas, 2008

15 but recycled materiel can be used as well Anti-Atlas, 2005

16 Anti-Atlas, 2006

17 a bottle stopper, a pen cap and a lolly stick… Tan-Tan, 2005

18 and it spins great Sidi Ifni, 2007

19 master the wind Sidi Ifni, 2006

20 Anti-Atlas, 2008

21 Central Morocco, 1999 Anti-Atlas, 2006

22 blowing bubbles Tan-Tan 2007

23 the swing set up by the children for a holiday Kénitra, 1994

24 creation of a skateboard Anti-Atlas, 2005

25 it rolls but keeping one's balance causes problems Sidi Ifni 2007

26 and what about driving a truck Kénitra, 1993

27 weapons for playful aggression Tan-Tan, 2007

28 Sidi Ifni, 2008

29 strategic game board of the Sahrawi girls, 2007

30 why do it yourself if you can buy at low prices or the influence of globalisation top and catapult or slingshot made in China Tan-Tan, 2005

31 © Jean-Pierre Rossie all photos taken by the author except the photos of slides 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 22 and 27 taken by Khalija Jariaa and the photo of slide 28 taken by Boubaker Daoumani

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