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Building a Simple Catapult. Tools Scissors Miter Box Razor Saw C-clamp Drill Press Hand Drill Hack Saw Sanding Sponge What other tools have we used?

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Simple Catapult. Tools Scissors Miter Box Razor Saw C-clamp Drill Press Hand Drill Hack Saw Sanding Sponge What other tools have we used?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Simple Catapult

2 Tools Scissors Miter Box Razor Saw C-clamp Drill Press Hand Drill Hack Saw Sanding Sponge What other tools have we used?

3 Materials Wood Glue Paper Cup Dowel Rods Rubber Bands Wood (Dimensional Lumber) Notecard/Cardstock Cup Hook Thumbtack

4 Processes Gluing Sanding Measuring Cutting Drilling Clamping

5 Getting Started With Simple Mechanisms - PGS. 45- 51

6 Mechanisms All mechanisms transfer and control motion. The also have 2 things in common: 1.Input motion and force 2.Output motion and force

7 Mechanisms Mechanisms use four types of motion

8 8 Designing a STEM Lesson: Paper Engineered Animals STEM is Elementary

9 Kindergarten Life Sciences Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living Things Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival Designing a STEM Lesson: Paper Engineered Animals

10 Paper Engineered Animals Design Brief We have been studying how an animal’s body structure helps it adapt to its environment. Create a paper model animal with at least one moving body part and explain how that body part helps the animal survive. Materials: Cardstock Brad paper fasteners Hole punch Scissors Drawing materials (pencils, crayons)

11 11 Paper Engineered Animals Design Brief Criteria Design must have at least one moving body part Body part must be used by the animal to help it survive Constraints Model must be no larger than 6” x 6” Model must be made of only provided materials

12 Linkages STEM Skills and Concepts Science Tools and materials Sketches and models The design process Communication of ideas Investigate structures – - aesthetics - strength - flexibility Creativity and innovation Brainstorming Making transfer of knowledge Exploring controls Troubleshooting Meeting wants and needs Alternative solutions Products and systems Criteria and constraints

13 Linkages Curriculum Connection Science: Simple machines Work Motion and force Models, illustrations Materials and their properties Human-made structures Energy (types, transfer) Control Animal body structure

14 Linkages Curriculum Connections Math Manipulatives Measurement Angles Ratio and proportion Arc, diameter, circumference Symmetry Social Studies Structures Inventions

15 Linkages Curriculum Connections Language Arts: Illustrations for stories Following directions Communication of ideas - verbal - written - pictorial Vocabulary development Journal writing Physical Education/Health How the body works


17 Geometric Creatures – PG. 13 We have been studying various geometric shapes. Think about the shapes you see in animals and people. Design Challenge: Create a two-dimensional creature that has two moving parts. Criteria: Your creature must have: least 5 different shapes. more than 20 shapes in all. 3.two moving parts (levers). Deliverables: 1.Your paper geometric creature 2.A story about your creature to share with the class.

18 Valentine’s Day Design Challenge Due Thursday, February 11 (Daily and Weekly Assignment) Develop a Valentine’s Day card design that incorporated a minimum of two moving parts (levers or linkage mechanisms) using the concepts that you have learned from the Getting Started with Simple Mechanisms reading. Teachers will often have students complete an art/craft project for holidays such as Valentine’s Day. Be prepared to present your card and discuss how might you reinforce core content in your future classroom using a STEM Design Challenge, rather than just adding on an art/craft holiday project?

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