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I II III Unit Conversions CH. 1 - MEASUREMENT. A. SI Prefix Conversions 1.Find the difference between the exponents of the two prefixes. 2.Move the decimal.

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Presentation on theme: "I II III Unit Conversions CH. 1 - MEASUREMENT. A. SI Prefix Conversions 1.Find the difference between the exponents of the two prefixes. 2.Move the decimal."— Presentation transcript:

1 I II III Unit Conversions CH. 1 - MEASUREMENT

2 A. SI Prefix Conversions 1.Find the difference between the exponents of the two prefixes. 2.Move the decimal that many places. To the left or right?

3 = A. SI Prefix Conversions NUMBER UNIT NUMBER UNIT 532 m = _______ km 0.532

4 A. SI Prefix Conversions mega-M10 6 deci-d10 -1 centi-c10 -2 milli-m10 -3 PrefixSymbolFactor micro-  10 -6 nano-n10 -9 pico-p10 -12 kilo-k10 3 move left move right BASE UNIT---10 0

5 A. SI Prefix Conversions 1) 20 cm = ______________ m 2) 0.032 L = ______________ mL 3) 45  m = ______________ nm 4) 805 dm = ______________ km 0.2 0.0805 45,000 32

6 B. Dimensional Analysis  The “Factor-Label” Method  Units, or “labels” are canceled, or “factored” out

7 B. Dimensional Analysis  Steps: 1. Identify starting & ending units. 2. Line up conversion factors so units cancel. 3. Multiply all top numbers & divide by each bottom number. 4. Check units & answer.

8 B. Dimensional Analysis  Lining up conversion factors: 1 in = 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 in 1 in = 1 1 =

9 B. Dimensional Analysis  How many milliliters are in 1.00 quart of milk? 1.00 qt 1 L 1.057 qt = 946 mL qtmL 1000 mL 1 L 

10 B. Dimensional Analysis  You have 1.5 pounds of gold. Find its volume in cm 3 if the density of gold is 19.3 g/cm 3. lbcm 3 1.5 lb 1 kg 2.2 lb = 35 cm 3 1000 g 1 kg 1 cm 3 19.3 g

11 B. Dimensional Analysis  How many liters of water would fill a container that measures 75.0 in 3 ? 75.0 in 3 (2.54 cm) 3 (1 in) 3 = 1.23 L in 3 L 1 L 1000 cm 3

12 B. Dimensional Analysis 5) Your European hairdresser wants to cut your hair 8.0 cm shorter. How many inches will he be cutting off? 8.0 cm1 in 2.54 cm = 3.2 in cmin

13 B. Dimensional Analysis 6) Taft football needs 550 cm for a 1st down. How many yards is this? 550 cm 1 in 2.54 cm = 6.0 yd cmyd 1 ft 12 in 1 yd 3 ft

14 B. Dimensional Analysis 7) A piece of wire is 1.3 m long. How many 1.5-cm pieces can be cut from this wire? 1.3 m 100 cm 1 m = 86 pieces cmpieces 1 piece 1.5 cm

15  A typical thermometer is a calibrated, or numbered, glass tube containing mercury.  The silver mercury in the tube rises, or expands, when warmth of an object increases. C. Thermometers

16  There are three systems for measuring temperature.  Fahrenheit  Celsius  Kelvin C. Thermometers

17 Fahrenheit.  The first scale is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.  The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 32 to 212 degrees.

18 Celsius  The other scale is measured in degrees Celsius. . The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 0 to 100 degrees.

19 Temperature Conversion Table From Fahrenheit (F o to C o ) (F - 32) * 5/9 Celsius (C o to F o ) (C * 9/5) + 32 Kelvin (C o to K o ) C + 273

20 C. The Thermometer and its calibration  Pg 5  Observed freezing points  Observed boiling point  Observed atmospheric pressure  Observed boiling point with correction

21 C. The Thermometer and its calibration Thermometer Correction = (760 mmHg – atm pressure) x 0.037 C/mm)

22 C. The Thermometer and its calibration  Create two graphs on a computer  Observed temp C vs Theorteical temp C  Pg 14 questions 9  Fahrenheit VS Celsius

23 Generating a graph

24 Trend line  1. Determine and label X and Y axis  2. Highlight numerical data  3. Click graph icon  4. Choose scatter graph  5. Determine if your data is in columns or rows  6. Label graph and x and y axis  7. Generate graph  8. Click on data points in graph  9. Click on chart tab  10. Click on add trendline and Choose linear  11. Click on options and click on display equation on chart

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