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THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Ch. 23 Section 4 Textbook 620-623.

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1 THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Ch. 23 Section 4 Textbook 620-623

2 BREATHING VS RESPIRATION Breathing is only ONE part of respiration. RESPIRATION has 2 parts: breathing, inhaling and exhaling and CELLULAR RESPIRATION- the chemical reaction that release energy from food.

3 PARTS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSYEM NOSE- main passageway in and out of the respiratory system PHARNYX- AKA- the throat LARNYX- part of the throat, it contains the vocal chords (elastic bands that stretch across the larynx.)

4 PARTS CONTINUED… TRACHEA- AKA the windpipe (air travels through here to the lungs.) BRONCHI- The trachea splits into two parts- one bronchus connects to each lung. They break into tinier tubes called bronchioles. ALVEOLI- The bronchioles branch off into tiny sacs called alveoli


6 BREATHING… - Air is sucked into or forced out of your lungs. -Your lungs have no muscles of their own. -Breathing is done by the diaphragm - The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs.

7 CELLULAR RESPIRATION… -cellular respiration, oxygen is used by cells to release energy stored in molecules of glucose. – -When you inhale, you take in oxygen. -This oxygen diffuses into red blood cells and is carried to tissue cells. -When you exhale, You release carbon dioxide

8 RESPIRATORY DISORDERS… ASTHMA- difficulty breathing because the bronchioles become narrower. Attacks can be caused by the environment (pollen, pollution, etc.) EMPHYSEMA- The alveoli of the lungs are damaged, people have trouble getting the oxygen they need SARS- (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) A virus– causes fever and difficulty breathing.

9 GOOD LUNGS/BAD LUNGS NO SMOKING!! This is what can happen!!!

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