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Explicit Instruction and Classroom Management Statewide Conference Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Centers May 23, 2013 Presenter:

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Presentation on theme: "Explicit Instruction and Classroom Management Statewide Conference Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Centers May 23, 2013 Presenter:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explicit Instruction and Classroom Management Statewide Conference Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Centers May 23, 2013 Presenter: Anna Rynski

2 “How to Open a Book…”

3 Session Purpose Develop a behavior management response to specific behavior scenarios. Develop explicit instructional responses to prevent or reduce the likelihood of the misbehavior happening. Develop a technical assistance response to the identified classroom management issues.

4 Switching Lenses Explicit Instruction application focus: Academic to Behavioral

5 Explicit Instruction Behavior Management Classroom Management Improved Student Outcomes Technical Assistance Melding Practices

6 Your Charge Introduce yourselves Assign roles Review materials Pick scenario and answer questions as dyads or triads Discuss as table group Share out as whole group

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